Gabinete de Apoio ao Estudante
Logotipo GAE

The Student Support Office (GAE) was established in 2018 replacing the previous Student Support Area (3As) under a shared initiative between the Lisbon School of Medicine (FMUL) and the Student Association of the Lisbon School of Medicine (AEFML), developing several shared projects but also creating new ones.

The mission of the Office is to transversally support all the areas of personal, social and professional development of the student throughout their academic career, favouring a space of integration and openness to diversity and personal growth.

Additionally, it was decided at the beginning of the academic year 2020/2021 to create in the Newsletter a section dedicated to Well-being – SimplesMENTE, with the objective of sharing practical tools for all the Academic Community, with different themes every month.

> Learn more here.



In order to put in practice GAE mission, it includes 10 projects and other initiatives:


logotipo espaço s

Espaço S

It aims to provide psychological support to FMUL students, through clinical psychologists with no connection to the school.

In this space you can approach subjects that are essential for your well-being, you can better understand yourself and your problems, you can be yourself, without barriers. Here, what you think is important is really important.
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Logotipo Embaixador Mentoring

Mentoring Ambassador

The Mentoring Ambassador aims to be a project of interaction and discussion between FMUL students and students of Elementary and Secondary Education, establishing a direct and informal contact, to transmit various information, according to your experience as a university student and, essentially, as an FMUL student. 
In the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) the FMUL can reach out to students through the "FMUL goes back to School" Project.
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logo NEES

Estudante com Necessidades Educativas Especiais

Pretende-se favorecer a integração de todos os Estudantes, incluindo os Estudantes com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (Estudante NEE), na comunidade FMUL promovendo a igualdade de oportunidades.
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inerd logo


O Projeto iNerd foi criado em parceria com o Solvin'it com o objetivo de proporcionar momentos de aprendizagem à distância de um click! 
Um grupo de desenvolvimento de materiais digitais que se propõe a realizar vídeos pedagógicos disponíveis para qualquer um, em qualquer momento!
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Its aim is the better integration of new FMUL students (mentees) in the academic and social environment, through peer support of colleagues from more advanced curricular years (mentors), in order to minimise possible difficulties of adaptation arising from the transition from Secondary School to Higher Education.
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Mentoring 2.0 

Mentoring 2.0 aims to be a project of support, interaction, and discussion between students from more advanced curricular years at FMUL and professionals, through the promotion of several actions. We can point out the Up We Grow event, which integrates lectures, discussion groups, workshops, speed meeting and job shadowing, providing a greater insight into themes essential to the development of a professional career.
This project establishes a partnership with Mapping Your Way, a new area of GAE.
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Solvin’ It 

Peer-teaching project that organizes periodic peer education sessions. The training sessions are prepared and organised by the Monitors, who are students in more advanced curricular years than the target audience of the session and validated by the Tutors (teachers of the subject areas involved).
In this project, participants can learn in a more informal environment, where they can ask questions, solve doubts and develop their knowledge in a easy way.

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Pedagogical Initiation Workshops

The Pedagogical Initiation Workshops for Monitors (WIP) – a project that is the first step in the qualification of student-monitors and participants in the pedagogical initiation internships. The project was created in 2014, and aims to add new knowledge and tools, preparing monitors for pedagogy.
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Logotipo Mapping your way

Mapping your way

The "Mapping your way" project aims to help you think about and strategically guide your academic and career path from the beginning , so that you are successful in the transition to the labour market.
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Logotipo Take On

Take On

The “Take On” Project aims to promote social responsibility among FMUL students working together with the academic community and civil society. This project was created after the TRANSFORMA PORTUGAL initiative and will promote several volunteer activities and actions towards sustainable practices.
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Roda dos Projetos fev24

Click on the image to zoom.



Collaborations and Partnerships


  • Represents the Faculty as one of the founding elements of the Portuguese Network for Mentoring | Peer Tutoring in Higher Education.
  • It is part of RESAPES, Network of Psychological Support Services in Higher Education.
  • Coordinates the Transforma Portugal Project in the Faculty;
  • It is part of the "Via Verde Mental Health" Work Group in the Council of Portuguese Medical Schools (CEMP);
  • Project Museums and Well-being: Cultural Prescription, organized by the National Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Lisbon (since March 2022).


Logotipo Rede Portuguesa de Mentoria
símbolo RESAPES
Logotipo Transforma Portugal
Conselho de Escolas Médicas Portuguesas
Projeto Museus e Bem-Estar (MUHNAC)


Notícias GAE

Candidatura Comissões Organizadoras NAE 24/25





As inscrições para as Comissões Organizadoras dos projetos NAE estão abertas, sabe mais aqui!



Abertura de Inscrições  para as Bolsas de Coordenação de Projetos | Apoio ao Estudante


Equipa GAE 2023/2024


Ana Rita Sobral | Coordenadora

Ana Paula Pereira | Colaboradora

Andreia Carneiro | Colaboradora

Carla Vale Lucas | Psicóloga / Mapping Your Way


Espaço S

Joana Marafuz | Psicóloga

Patrícia Reis | Psicóloga

Rita Santos | Psicóloga

Rui Martins | Psicólogo

Filipa Novais | Psiquiatra e Consultora do Espaço S


Projeto Mentoring

Érica Martins | Bolseira


Mentoring 2.0

Mariana Costa | Bolseira



Beatriz Veríssimo | Bolseira



Joana Manaças | Bolseira


Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
Hospital de Santa Maria
Serviços Técnico Administrativos
Piso 3 - Elevador 11
1649-028 Lisboa – Portugal