Academic Examinations

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The path of your career

The future is an investment that is built through knowledge, preparation, between trials, exchange of experiences and knowledge. Choosing the right path for the future is part of the process. At FMUL we drink from tradition and leap into the most advanced technology, interacting between practice and analysis, articulating question with evidence.

Along this path there is always on the horizon the prospect of a common goal, based on the conviction of what we want to achieve. It is this conviction that leads to the choice of what we want to be. Of what we will do to reach the goal of the best career, for ourselves, in perspective with the world.

Touching the future. That's what each one of us do when chooses the path of a successful career.

Educational Offer

Masters Programs

Doctoral Programs

Specialization Courses

Advanced Courses

Ongoing Training Courses



On a campus that shares walls between the largest hospital in the country and the historical institution of many of the great names in medicine, there is also a research center that brings together a strong multiculturalism.

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