Body Donation to Science

Body donation is a civic act of great generosity.

Anatomy is one of the fundamental basis of medical education. Its importance stems from its indispensable role in the learning of medical students, as well as in the scientific and technical research leading to the progress of medical and surgical treatment of many diseases. Their knowledge requires the thorough study of the human body.

The decision to donate your body to teaching and researching anatomy should therefore be considered a vital contribution to the consolidation and advancement of medical science in general; That is why it is a commendable civic act.

Everyone of legal age has the right to donate their body.

If you wish to be a donor you must:

  1. Read the information carefully;
  2. Fill out the form.

O Instituto de Anatomia da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa tem como missão:
1. Ensinar Anatomia a alunos do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa;
2. Ensinar Anatomia a alunos de outras Unidades Funcionais da Universidade de Lisboa (Engenharia Biomédica; Licenciatura em Ciências (...)


Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa 
Instituto de Anatomia 
Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisboa - Portugal

Phone Number
+351 21 798 5151