Academic Year 2021/2022

Nomination Deadline:  

  • 1st Semester (Winter) - April 30th
  • 2nd Semester (Summer) - October 31St

Application Deadline:

  • 1st Semester - May 31st
  • 2nd Semester - November 30th

Study Plan for Studies and Traineeships

Application Requirements:

  1. Portuguese Language Certificate – Level B1;
  2. Copy of the Identity Card; (Passport only if you don’t have Identity Card)
  3. Copy of the European Health Insurance Card;
  4. Transcript of Records;
  5. Mobility Form;

Learning Agreement for Studies or Traineeships;

Lessons, Assessment and ECTS Scale

Attendance to lectures, although not mandatory, is highly recommended. Practical classes have a minimum of 67% compulsory participation in all subjects. Additionally, in some subjects it is further required the realization of specific tasks such as field work, clinical, research and journal club presentations, elaboration of short manuscripts and powerpoint presentations. During the clinical years, contact with patients will be of paramount importance, be it in collecting data, participating in daily clinical procedures, such as collecting blood, attending ward rounds, etc.


Convénios e Protocolos com a Universidade de Lisboa


  • Verificar se existe acordo de cooperação com a instituição acolhedora.
  • O aluno deve ser nomeado e selecionado pela sua Universidade para intercâmbio.

Documentos a apresentar na Candidatura:

  1. Ficha de Candidatura (.pdf);
    – Áreas de Estágio (.pdf)
  2. Cópia do Passaporte;
  3. Cópia do Seguro de Saúde;
  4. Histórico Escolar;
  5. Formulário de Mobilidade (.pdf)
  6. Enviar Candidatura para

Programa Almeida Garrett

Documentos a apresentar na Candidatura:

  1. Formulário de Candidatura (.pdf);
  2. Plano de Estudos (.pdf)
    – Áreas de Estágio (.pdf)
  3. Comprovativo de matrícula;
  4. Histórico Escolar;
  5. Cópia do Cartão de Cidadão;
  6. Formulário de Mobilidade (.pdf)
  7. Enviar Candidatura para

Prazo de Candidatura – 1 de março a 30 de abril

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMUL) is one of the most reputed medical faculties in the country and, together with its partner institutions, Hospital de Santa Maria ( and the Instituto de Medicina Molecular (, is currently undergoing a stimulating cycle of renovation towards the implementation of the first Academic Medical Centre in Portugal. In 2011, the FMUL celebrated the 100th anniversary.

The FMUL is proud of its illustrious past. In 1927, Professor Egas Moniz performed the first cerebral angiography and, in 1929, Professor Reynaldo dos Santos implemented the aortography. Later, in 1938, Professor João Cid dos Santos performed the first flebography and, in 1948, the first arterial endarterectomy, a procedure still widely performed to these days. In 1949, Professor Egas Moniz would be awarded the Nobel Prize of Medicine for the development of prefrontal leucotomy. Over the course of the XXth century, successive generations of FMUL Professors and Alumni became prominent players of Portuguese medicine and culture, imprinting in the academia an aura of considerable respectability, still sizeable in the present time.

The FMUL and its affiliated hospital have been celebrated for significant medical advances both in surgical and medical areas. Today, they constitute one the most advanced medical institutions in Portugal, with highly specialized units providing state of the art care.

The Faculty of Medicine remains highly demanded by students leaving the secondary studies in Portugal, and its curriculum has recently undergone a profound transformation towards a more integrated format. Patient contact starts very early in the medical course and 6th year students have a full year of clinical practice.

The FMUL is also well known for the early inspiration of medical students towards a research based practice, hopefully leading to the emergence of generations of physician scientists. Our affiliated research institute, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, has become a major research facility in the country attracting first class investigators and PhD candidates.

The FMUL has been highly requested by international students wishing to study abroad for 1 or 2 semesters. Over the years, hundreds of students, mostly European, have chosen our institution to perform part of their medical studies. Our course is reputed for its student-based and patient-oriented nature. The FMUL, while maintaining a close integration with Hospital de Santa Maria, has expanded too many other hospitals and primary care centers in the Lisbon area, thus being able to provide a great variety of experiences to both home and foreign students.

The FMUL/Hospital de Santa Maria is located in the heart of the campus of the University of Lisbon ( Across the street from the hospital, you will find the University’s sport facilities, providing not only endless possibilities for sport enthusiasts, but also a refreshing and stunning pause on a full day of work (

Lisbon is a stimulating cosmopolitan capital displaying a wealth of cultural attractions and highly ranked in terms of quality of leaving. Its proximity to well known tourist attractions and to the Atlantic shore has made it an extremely desirable destiny for foreign students.