We encourage Students applications in Mobility programs, aiming to provide them formative, cultural and experiential experiences, that contribute to their personal, academic and profissional enrichment.

Incoming Mobility by Program

Mobility Program 2016/2017 2015/2016 Variation
Almeida Garrett 6 3 100%
Mobility Agreements 20 16 25%
Erasmus - SMS (4th e 5th years) 76 71 7%
Erasmus - SMT (6th year) 30 24 25%
Mobility individual contract 0 4 -100%
Total 132 118 12%

Source: Área Académica

With regard to incoming mobility, there has been an increase in the total number of Students who have participated in the various programs, which confirms Lisbon School of Medicine's ability to attract national (Almeida Garrett) and international (Agreements and Erasmus mobility).

Students also have the possibility to study at other institutions under individual contracts, provided that the two involved institutions approve.


Cooperação Internacional
International Relations Office

Horário de Atendimento
Opening Hours

Mon | 4ª Wed | 6ª Fri
10h - 13h (10am - 1pm)

Tue | 5ª Thu
10h - 13h / 14h - 16h 
(10am - 1pm / 2pm - 4pm)




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