Take On






Does being indifferent bother you?  

Have you ever thought about how you could be an agent of change in your Faculty or with those around you?

Take On is a good opportunity to promote the difference!

Take On began in the school year 2021/2022, following the Task Force formed in 2021 under the project Transforma Portugal, coordinated by GAE, promoting volunteering initiatives (continuous and occasional), activities focused on environmental sustainability and other campaigns.



To give the FMUL Community the tools to undertake conscious, sustainable actions and to promote its participation in social action initiatives.


- Promote an interest in social and environmental responsibility among the FMUL community.

- Make students aware, through the promotion of different activities, of different resources and innovative forms of action that promote environmental and social well-being by helping the community in which they live. 


Past activities


Take a Look

A rubric that aims to raise awareness on current issues, sustainability, human rights, among others, with special emphasis on practical tips for an active citizenship (available in portuguese).


Direitos Humanos em Tempo de Guerra

Human Rights in Times of War

Mutilação Genital Feminina

Female Genital Mutilation

seca meteorologica

Weather Drought


Fast Fashion

Fast Hashion Environmental Impact

Pegada Digital

Digital Footprint

Natal zero waste

Christmas Zero Waste   tips for a sustainable Christmas 


Prescrição Social

Social Prescribing

Blood Donation Campaign  




Mental Health and the Exam Season: Messages from students to students  

With the aim of helping you give your best during exam season, here are some messages left from your colleagues to inspire you to give your best during this season. Bear in mind, that exam season although challenging, should be lived as a moment of pause and reflection, for the consolidation of knowledge. 

João Frederico Rivera

Amisse Hélder


TAKE ON -  University Social Responsibility Project