
FMUL is strongly committed to internationalization and international cooperation, within the framework of mobility programmes such as Erasmus+, as well as within the network of partnerships that the ULisboa Rector’s Office has been establishing through agreements and protocols with institutions from around the world.

The reinforcement of this area has been fundamental to intensify the integration of FMUL students in an increasingly global medical space, also fostering an international network of contacts in the clinical, research, teaching and cultural fields.

The Faculty of Medicine, as well as ULisboa, encourages the mobility of students, lecturers, researchers and non-teaching staff.

Erasmus+ Programme - European Union education and training programme that fosters mobility activities for students, teaching and non-teaching staff within the European area.

Agreements and Protocols - Over the years, FMUL and ULisboa have established and intensified agreements and protocols with other higher education institutions around the world.

Almeida Garrett Programme - National University Student Exchange Programme.