
Welcome to Lisbon School of Medicine.

We suggest that you visit our website and read the essential documents before starting the application process. This takes place online, through the Fenix platform, and for this you will need to use a Campus mail account.

We have 3 application phases, running from May to September, which you can apply to. The 2nd and 3rd application phases will only open if there are any vacancies left over from the 1st and/or 2nd phases.

Each course reserves the right to propose different dates and should be consulted in "Editais dos Cursos".

If you need detailed information, please contact our staff.

We invite you to be part of our school!

Application Stages


The first round of applications runs from April 2 to June 27.


The 2nd round of applications runs from 1 July to 16 August.


To be determined.

PhDCAML Applications

Would you like to develop scientific research leading to a PhD? In the PhD Program of the Lisbon Academic Medical Center we support quality and innovative applications.
Applications are permanently open.

What you should read before you start applying

Candidates will be selected by the course Scientific Committee, taking into account the elements presented in the application file and, if justified, an interview, according to the announcement of each course.

Candidates will be contacted by email to confirm, when applicable, the date and time of the interview.

In case of the academic degree has not yet been completed by the time of applications opening, candidates may, in this case, make a conditional application. In this condition it is necessary to present the academic transcripts completed to date.

The application can be considered for the attendance of the course in the state of "conditional-placed" at the date of formalization of the enrollment, the candidate must provide proof of the degree.


Disseminating way of the application results

The results are made available on the Fénix portal, with the sending of an e-mail message informing the result of the seriation process.


Application Fee

The amount payable for the application is €100 and will not be refunded if the applicant is excluded or not selected.

At the end of the application process an ATM reference is issued for payment. The reference becomes active immediately.

The application fee is issued in the applicants name. However, in specific situations, namely in cases where the fee is assumed by other entities or institutions on behalf of the candidate, it must be paid directly at the Faculty's treasury.

The tuition fee may be paid, in full or in installments, according to the deadlines and amounts indicated in the tuition deliberation for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Tuition Fees Order for the 2021/2022 academic year

Tuition Fees Order for the 2022/2023 academic year

Tuition Fees Order for te 2024/2025 academic year


12% reduction for employees of institutions affiliated with FMUL:

According to the collaboration protocols that have been signed and that can be found in FMUL's website here, students benefit from a 12% reduction on the tuition fees.
After being informed that you have been admitted, you should send a request to the Faculty's Board of Management proving that you belong to an affiliated institution, via e-mail, to this adress This request must be sent immediately after notification that they have been admitted.


Tuition fees paid by other entities:

Whenever fees are paid by other entities, the following request should be filled out and sent to us in order to change the fiscal data for invoicing. This procedure should be done every academic year, whenever applicable.

The fees can be consulted in the personal area of each student in secretaria académica fénix, where you can consult the values, dates and ATM reference for each instalment..


Masters in Clinical Research

ICU: Regulatory affairs and quality assurance in clinical research
10 vacancies
3 ECTS                
Application from 28 Nov to 9 Dec 2023
Fees: 135 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Research

ICU: Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management in Clinical Research
10 vacancies
4 ECTS                
Application from 28 Nov to 9 Dec 
Fees: 180 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Research

ICU: Research Units -Clinical Research Coordination
10 vacancies
6 ECTS                
Application from 5 to 19 Jan, 2024
Fees: 270 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Clinical Research

ICU: Clinical Studies Management and Monitoring 
10 vacancies
8 ECTS                
Application from 30 Jan to Feb 13, 2024
Fees: 360 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Research

ICU: Communication and Scientific Writing in Clinical Research
10 vacancies
3 ECTS                
Application from March 30 to April 13, 2024
Fees: 135 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Biomedical Research

ICU: Principles in Cardiovascular Biology 
2 vacancies
2 ECTS                
Application from 9 to 20 Oct, 2023
Fees: 90 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Biomedical Research

ICU: Principles of Neurosciences
2 vacancies
2 ECTS                
Application from 23 Oct to 6 Nov, 2023
Fees: 90 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Biomedical Research

ICU: Animal models in Biomedical Research
2 vacancies
8 ECTS                
Application from 4 to 18 March, 2024
Fees: 360 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Biomedical Research

ICU: Bioethics and Science communication
2 vacancies
3 ECTS                
Application from 3 to 17 Jun, 2024
Fees: 135 €
Syllabus | Calendar


PhD in Neurosciences

UCI: Neuronal Degeneration and Regeneration
5 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 3 to 14 Oct, 2023
Fees: 229,15 €
Syllabus | Calendar

PhD in Neurosciences

ICU: Neuronal Circuits
5 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 1 to 14 Nov, 2023
Fees: 229,15 €
Syllabus | Calendar

PhD in Neurosciences

ICU: Clinical Neurophysiology 
2 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 2 to 12 Jan, 2024
Fees: 229,15 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Neurosciences

ICU: Systems Neurophysiology
2 vacancies
12 ECTS                
Application from 1 to 14 Nov, 2023
Fees: 540 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Palliative Care

ICU: Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life
5 vacancies
4 ECTS                
Application from 10 to 25 April, 2024
Fees: 180 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Nutritional assessment
2 vacancies
4 ECTS                
Application from 30 Oct to 11 Nov, 2023
Fees: 206,90 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Quality management and food toxicology
2 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 28 Nov to 9 Dec, 2023
Fees: 258,62 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Nutrition and oncology
2 vacancies
3 ECTS                
Application from 28 Nov to 9 Dec, 2023
Fees: 155,17 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Nutrition and GI diseases
2 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 9 to 23 March, 2024
Fees: 258,62 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Biostatistics and research methodologies
2 vacancies
4 ECTS                
Application from 5 to 19 Jan, 2024
Fees: 206,90 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Artificial nutrition – surgery and intensive care
2 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 16 Feb to 1 March, 2024
Fees: 258,62 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Nutrition and maternal-child health
2 vacancies
4 ECTS                
Application from 2 to 16 Feb, 2024
Fees: 206,90 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Nutrition and renal, pulmonary, infectious, neurological and osteoarticular diseases
2 vacancies
5 ECTS                
Application from 1 to 12 Apr, 2024
Fees: 258,62 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Nutrition and obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
2 vacancies
4 ECTS                
Application from 19 Jan to 2 Feb, 2024
Fees: 206,90 €
Syllabus | Calendar

Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Seminar
2 vacancies
3 ECTS                
Application from 26 Apr to 3 May, 2024
Fees: 155,17 €
Syllabus | Calendar


Masters in Clinical Nutrition

ICU: Information and communication technologies in health
2 vacancies
3 ECTS                
Application from 3 to 10 May, 2024
Fees: 155,17 €
Syllabus | Calendar




The formative offer through the frequency of isolated curricular units makes possible the deepening and updating of knowledge, as well as the accomplishment  of a multidisciplinary formation.


The following are eligible to apply to attend isolated course units:

1. Students from any school of the University of Lisbon, enrolled in study cycles other than the cycle to which the curricular unit belongs;

2. Students from outside the University of Lisbon, enrolled in study programmes from another higher education institution

3. Other interested parties as long as they have a Bachelor's degree or the legal equivalent.

In each academic year, the maximum number of single course units that a candidate can enroll in cannot exceed the total of 30 ECTS.

Enrollment is subject to the availability of vacancies in each course unit, the maximum number of which will be defined by the competent organ of each School. Through this system, applications to dissertations/internship reports/project work/thesis/thesis seminar or other course units of the same nature are not allowed.


Applications, deadlines and payments

The application is subject to the payment of the fees set by the School Management Board.

1. The fee to be paid for enrolling in isolated curricular units is defined by the School's competent organ, taking into consideration, namely:

  • the number of the curricular unit credits
  • the tuition charged in the study cycles where the course unit is offered
  • the possible costs that the curricular unit attendance might imply in terms of equipment, consumables and human resources.

2. To the registration fee will be added the payment of school insurance.

3. The registration fee will be paid in full by the student to the School where he/she will attend the isolated course unit.

4. The specific conditions regarding deadlines, vacancies, application and selection process, registration fee and charges, as well as possible restrictions, should be consulted in the Announcement of the Call for Applications.

5. The consultation of course units is carried out on the page of each master's degree, doctoral degree and specialization course.


Application Process:

1. Applicants with a campus account (who are attending or have attended any Lisbon School of Medicine course), should start the application in Upon access they should log in with their campus account and then access the Candidate menu (at the top of the Fénix page) to start the application.

2. If you do not remember your Campus account username or password, you should access the email address and follow the instructions to recover the username or password:  

3. If you cannot recover your username or password through the recovery mechanism, you should send an e-mail to indicating the following data: Full name; Student number; Course number; ID number; external email.

4. Candidates who do not have a fénix account should register at After creating the account, they will receive an email with a username to start the application process  .

5. When you access fénix in the applicant tab, you should look for the process "ISOLATED COURSE UNITS" and start the application process.


In the internal ULisboa mobility students context (University of Lisbon Announcement 17/2022),  students who wish to attend a UC at another ULisboa school for integration as an optional subject in the cycle of studies in which they are enrolled and if the study plan of the same foresees it, must request it at the Advanced Training Institute - IFA, at the beginning of each semester by means of a request.

The request, after being analyzed and accepted, is sent by the IFA to the intended school where, after verifying the existence of functioning conditions that allow the acceptance of the student, they proceed to the enrollment of the student.


Payment of Bribes


Although there are costs associated with enrolling and attending UC between schools, these are managed between schools.

For the student there is no payment in addition to the normal tuition fees, the acceptance of students from other schools is dependent on the payment authorization of the respective school.

2023/2024 Curricular units


Masters in Biomedical Research


Masters in Clinical Nutrition


Masters in Clinical Research


Masters in Neurosciences


PhD in Neurosciences


Masters in Palliative Care


Access to the international regime covers students who, cumulatively:

I- Do not have Portuguese nationality, except:

(a) the nationals of a member state of the European Union;

b) Family members of Portuguese nationals or of nationals of a member state of the European Union, regardless of their nationality;

c) Those who, not being nationals of a member state of the European Union, have been residing legally in Portugal for more than two years continuously on January 1st of the year in which they wish to enter higher education, as well as their children residing with them; the time of residence for study is not relevant for this purpose;

d) The beneficiaries, on January 1st of the year they wish to enter higher education, of an equal rights and duties status granted under the terms of an international treaty signed between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals;

 II- Family members of Portuguese nationals or of nationals of a member state of the European Union, regardless of their nationality

(a) the spouse of a citizen of the Union;

b) The partner with whom a Union citizen lives in a de facto union, formed under the terms of the law, or with whom the Union citizen has a permanent relationship duly certified by the competent entity of the member state where he/she resides;

(c) the direct descendant who is under 21 years of age or is dependant of a Union citizen;

(d) the direct ascendant being a dependant of a Union citizen.



Acess conditions:

Applicants must have academic qualifications in the scientific area(s) of the study cycle to which they are applying.


Specific Requirements for Admission:

Admission Requirements

1 - Candidates may apply to enroll and register in a study cycle leading to the degree of master

a) Holders of the first degree course or legal equivalent;

b) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the 1st cycle of studies.

1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State that adheres to this Process;

c) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized as fulfilling the

the objectives of the degree of licenciado by the Scientific Council of the School where they wish to be admitted;

d) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the School where they wish to be admitted.


2 - Candidates may apply to enroll and register in a doctoral study cycle:

a) Holders of the master's degree or legal equivalent;

b) Holders of the licenciado degree, or legal equivalent, who have an especially relevant academic or scientific curriculum vitae that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the School where they wish to be admitted;

c) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of the School where they wish to be admitted.

3 - In this context, the degrees recognized under the terms of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August, as well as the degrees that have been recognized or considered equivalent under previous legislation, are considered legal equivalences.




The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

(a) Display of identification document (passport, foreign citizen card or

other appropriate), or, when authorized by the candidate, a simple photocopy of the identification document;

b) Declaration, under oath, that the candidate does not have Portuguese nationality nor is covered by any of the conditions that, according to the ERA, do not confer the International Student status;

c) Documents proving the access qualifications;

d) Documents proving language knowledge, when applicable;

e) Other documents that the competent bodies of the School where the application is made

e) Other documents that the competent bodies of the School where the application is made deem necessary for the assessment of the application.


The documents proving qualifications must comply with the following requirements:

(a) They are issued by the competent entity of the country in which the qualifications were obtained;

b) Whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, they must be

b) Whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, they must be translated into one of these languages;

c) When issued by institutions from non-EU countries, they must be legalized by a Portuguese consular agent or by The Hague Apostille, with these legalizations being made in the documents' country of origin.

Candidaturas em permanência

A oferta de formação ao Longo da Vida, formação continuada, articula-se com a necessidade de permanente atualização dos profissionais da saúde.

Reconhecendo o seu papel fundamental na atualização permanentes de conhecimentos exigida pelo contínuo progresso cientifico e tecnológico e respetivas repercussões no mundo do trabalho do trabalho.

Os nossos programas de formação continuada visam ir ao encontro das necessidades de atualização e de desenvolvimento, assim, anualmente, definimos uma oferta formativa, Cursos de Atualização, Cursos de Aperfeiçoamento, Workshops, Seminários e Cursos Livres que esperamos correspondam às necessidades formativas e exigências atuais do mercado de trabalho.

The application is made on the Fenix platform with Campus account

Already have a Campus account

1. Select the period (academic year)
2. Select the type of application according to your wishes.

  • IFA International Student Master; or
  • IFA National Student Master; or
  • IFA Doctorate; or
  • IFA Specialization Course

3. Fill in the online form
4. Upload your Curriculum Vitae
5. Upload application letter with statement of objectives
6. Upload a declaration of honor (applicable for international students) 
7. Upload copies of the educational certificates.

To apply go to:

No Campus account

  1. You must register at
  2. After creating the account, you will receive the username in the email, after which you can start the formalization of the application at


Difficulty accessing the Campus account

If you do not remember the username or password of your Campus account, please access HERE  and follow the instructions to recover your username or password.


If you cannot recover your username or password through the recovery mechanism, you should send an email to stating the following data:
Full name; Student number;  Course number; Identification number; External email.

Application process

No. The application is made online by filling in a form, available on Fenix.

European model is suggested.

The motivation letter is a document that accompanies the other documents requested in the application. In the motivation letter, you should mention the personal and professional motivations behind your application.

It is expected to briefly and concisely state your research interests within the course for which you are applying.

Yes, however as some documents are mandatory, e.g. certificate of qualifications, it is always necessary to attach a document, otherwise the system will not allow you to finalize your registration. Missing documents should be sent as soon as possible to the e-mail address

Yes, if you do not yet have your certificate at the time of application, you may submit a list of subjects taken issued by the academic services of the educational institution where you are attending the degree, your application wiil be pending and conditional until the delivery of the degree certificate.

During your application, at every stage and status, you will receive notifications from the Fénix academic office informing of your application status.


The application fee is issued in students name and is paid through ATM references. However, in specific situations, namely in cases where the fee is assumed by other entities or institutions on behalf of the applicant, it must be communicated to us by email address with the indication of tax data. Payment should only be made after the services have been informed that the new payment entity is associated.

This fee is non-refundable, except in case of course non-functioning.

Payments from abroad are possible by sending an e-mail to to ask the bank details (swift code) for bank transfer payment.

Legal Provisions and Regulations


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