Emergency front of neck access in the critically ill adult course - eFONA course


Emergency front of neck access course

Emergency front of neck access (eFONA) is a lifesaving intervention in airway management. Clinicians potentially exposed to a can´t intubate can´t oxygenate (CICO) scenario should undertake regular multidisciplinary training to acquire or refresh technical and nontechnical skills in preparation for the rare inevitable surgical airway. Moreover, human factors play a relevant role when performing emergency cricothyroidotomy. Task fixation, poor team communication and cognitive overload in a stressful environment are frequent issues. This workshop will provide formal training in eFONA, addressing both psychological and technical skills. High fidelity simulation with cadaveric models and a multidisciplinary faculty integrating an international airway expert from the Difficult Airway Society will help trainees during this full day course.

Endorsed by the Difficult Airway Society (DAS).



Clinicians from anesthesiology, intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, pediatrics, pulmonology or otolaryngology-head and neck surgery specialties.


Number of students per course edition



Main goals

  • Promote multidisciplinary training for all clinicians involved in airway management
  • Provide formal training in eFONA contributing to decrease mortality associated with difficult airway.



Clínica Universitária de Medicina Intensiva
Instituto de Anatomia



João Santos Silva
Ana Rita Santos
Andy Higgs
Nuno Gaibino
Alexandre Caldeira
António N Fernandes
Leonor Fernandes


Program Details HERE

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