Find the investigator you are looking for



“Find the investigator you are looking for” will foster the contact between medical students/trainees and researchers, and researchers among themselves.

It covers the full spectrum of biomedical research conducted at CAML, and simplifies links between the research community.


Use it and get in touch!


To register on this network you just have to click HERE and then fill in the aforementioned form.


Click to see the list of Registered Investigators.


Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa - Edifício Cental
Serviços Técnicos e Administrativos  
Piso 3 - Elevador 11
Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisboa – Portugal

+351 21 799 94 26

Extensão interna: 44 157

Horário de Atendimento
2.ª a 6.ª Feira
09h00 - 12h30