XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Biochemical Society | 17-20 December
XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Biochemical Society (SPB)
Date: December 17-20, 2014.
Venue: Hotel Vila Galé in Coimbra
The SPB Meetings have been a forum for discussion and interaction of Portuguese and foreign scientists and students in the field of biomedicine and biomolecular sciences during the last decades.
For the 2014 edition, we invited highly-recognized international scientists to present keynote and plenary lectures. Besides the keynote and plenary lectures (a total of 6), a total of ten topic-oriented sessions will be organized. We expect that by bridging together excellent national and international researchers in this Meeting, we will attract a large number of students and senior scientists, generate new synergies and contributing to foster the scientific careers of young students, contributing to increase the internationalization of biochemical sciences in Portugal.
More information, registration and abstract submission is available at our webpage: www.spb2014.com.
Please notice that a very special registration rate is available until March 31.