Why is there a lack of doctors?

SIC came to visit our campus and understand how long it takes to train a doctor and what moves them to stay in the public health service.

senhor de fato

"It's like a single house with physicians, lecturers and students, from one side to the other".

The phrase is from Conceição Lino and was aired on SIC in a report conducted by journalist Ana Luisa Galvão. About our Campus where Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE,  our school and Institute of Molecular Medicine go hand in hand, several are the questions that seek an answer: How to attract young doctors to stay in the SNS (national health system)?

If there are more physicians and more investment in Health, why are there missing so many health professionals?

It's about the spirit of mission of our professors who are also physicians, about the young students who have nearly 10 years of preparation ahead of them before they graduate; it's about the future of the SNS, about the private business; it's about all of this that this report talks about.

Where our Hospital and our School are intertwined in commitment and difficulty but which have as a decisive point, the fact that Everyone has the right to Health, in a place where no one is excluded.

medico a falar

médica a falar

mãe com bebe


alunos de medicina

aluna de medicina

The report here:
