Under the topic Let's Talk about Science, on 11 December the Research Day of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMUL) was celebrated. It was organized by the Office for the Support of Scientific and Technological Research, and Innovation (GAPIC), in partnership with the Students’ Association of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon (AEFML).
The programme focused on the direct contact between undergraduate students, early-stage young doctors, researchers, lecturers, and doctors.
In addition to the presentation of the works conducted by the students in the scope of the “Education through Science” Programme and the CHULN/FMUL Scholarships (22nd Edition), the granting of the GAPIC David-Ferreira Award for the best Final Paper/Thesis of the Integrated Master Degree in Medicine (2018/2019) and the presentation of the project carried out as part of the 13th AstraZeneca Foundation/FMUL Research Grant, we highlight two events this year:
- Research Paths, a session where 3 early-stage doctors in different medical specialties (Arlindo Ferreira, Patrícia Reis and Pedro Alves) shared their professional and academic experience;
- Lunch with Researchers, in a relaxed atmosphere over lunch, 3 senior IMM researchers (Edgar Gomes, Luísa Figueiredo and Luísa Lopes) answered all the questions asked about their work and the way they view science and research.
The day ended with the AEFML session, dedicated to the AMP Student and to the AIMS Meeting Research Competition, and the granting of the AEFML Research Day Awards to the students who gave the three best oral presentations.
In the January issue of the newsletter we will reveal a little more about this great day dedicated to science. Stay tuned!
Additional information about Research Day in: https://www.medicina.ulisboa.pt/diainvestigacao
GAPIC, 30 years supporting Science