Editorial Note
Freedom to write from the heart
The first time we met was at UTIC-AC, the Coronary Intensive Care Unit, founded by Arsénio Cordeiro.
At the agreed time, we arrived 5 minutes earlier, but Professor Carlos Ribeiro was already there, half an hour in advance.
We revisited the corridors and the old rooms with him, where there are still photographs that honour its two greatest protagonists. Professors, Researchers and Cardiologists, Arsénio Cordeiro created UTIC in 1969 and Carlos Ribeiro gave continuity to his work in 1980. We speak of both with special emphasis in this April edition, which celebrates another anniversary of CICU.
50 years more mature and after introducing the most groundbreaking and visionary investments in the country, UTIC was honoured on April 5, in a meeting between peers, crossing the national and international generations of Cardiology.
This month we do not just write about the Heart Unit, we remain convinced that it is worth writing from the heart.
It's regarding this powerful muscular organ and its prevention, through Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, that we inform you of the Iberian-American Meeting, which took place in the Aula Magna of our School. At the centre of the world, Portugal and FMUL welcomed experts from all subjects to gather, discuss and present their joint efforts.
The attentive look of the past did not take our focus from the present and what was happening in the students' lives. In a month full of events, we witnessed the Inauguration Ceremony of the Student Members of the Pedagogical Council. We took a look at the backstage of the Cultural Gathering, Ad Æternum, which brought together about 1600 spectators. . We met Ana David and João Martins and talked about what happens on stage when two passions merge: Medicine and the expression of art.
With their feet firmly on the ground and some dreams reaching for the moon, Ana Sofia Mota and Marta Viúla Ramos were two of the 50 internationally chosen students to join an education and training programme at the European Astronaut Centre, in Germany. It was thanks to the "European Space Agency Academy" that they were able to assess human physiological systems and how they respond both on and off the Earth.
Showing attendance every year at the education events of the University of Lisbon, FMUL was in Futurália, the Education, Training and Educational Orientation Fair held at FIL, which is visited by students from grades 9 to 12. What future students want to know about us is what we tried to answer.
The Medical School puts its scientific stamp on the "Sintra Cresce Saudável" Project, through the Nutrition Laboratory. Represented by Professor Catarina Sousa Guerreiro, the signing of the protocol established with the Municipality of Sintra took place earlier this month.
Created in 2011, resulting from a sense of social responsibility, Faculdade de Ajudar, carries a solidarity and integrative initiative every year. This activity is promoted by some FMUL personnel, as we give you the first-person report of one of its organisers.
In this month's iMM Corner, we got to know two scientific articles: In this month's article published in PNAS, Ana Pamplona and Bruno Silva-Santos reveal new data on the role of gamma delta T cells in the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria after a liver infection by the malaria parasite. The study developed by Tiago Rodrigues and Gonçalo Bernardes, now published in Nature Chemistry, shows a large-scale analysis using artificial intelligence models on the frequency and impact that aggregates of small molecules have on the discovery of drugs, both at the academic level and, more importantly, at the industry level. This is a partnership between the iMM and the FMUL Communication Office.
These and other topics observed from the angle of a team that strives to bring you news every month, telling stories of events and the people that make up this establishment.
We still rely on your collaboration, so send us your news to news@medicina.ulisboa.pt
Joana Sousa
Editorial Team