Editorial Note
Beginnings that mark the start or point to the end
Where do we begin? That's what we ask ourselves in this editorial note intended to say that we chose beginnings as the topic for this month's edition.
January, the first month of the year, was also what encouraged us and made us look for some topics and ask specific questions.
What is the exact moment when life begins, that is what we asked Professor Diogo Ayres de Campos, appointed last January 1st as Director of the Obstetrics Department of the Lisboa Norte Hospital Centre (CHLN). From a new era that is now beginning in Obstetrics, another one existed to explain how it all began, the History of Obstetrics of the HSM is the research work developed by Lurdes Barata.
From an ironic perspective on this topic, we talked to the Deputy Director of the FMUL, Professor Mamede de Carvalho, a world-class physician who follows Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. How does one start a new phase in life when they have just been given a deadline?
We also tell you about two great beginnings. The student mobility protocol between the Faculties of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. If you're a medical student at the FMUL, you should know that from February onwards you will be able to spend an academic year or a semester in Brazil. Another major step was taken by China, which challenged the IMM for new scientific alliances. A report from our researcher and Professor Bruno Silva Santos who took another 5 Group-Leaders with him to Guangzhou for the 1st Symposium between scientists.
Internally, there were also major steps taken in order to change the food health of young children. In a work launched by the researcher Telma Nogueira, the FMUL took the technical-scientific lead of the Sintra Cresce Saudável, project, a journey started by the Sintra City Council that aims at providing schools with food skills.
They are not small, but in these meetings that celebrate the team spirit among FMUL employees, there is always something more spontaneous. We are not sure whether the lunch ingredients were the healthiest ones, but we certainly know that it was organised keeping everybody in mind. Check out the best moments of the New Year's lunch with the Director Fausto J. Pinto, in a report by Isabel Varela.
Where do we begin. You may be asking yourself that. We often ask ourselves that when we want to change something or add value. Start here and find out everything about Tools For Innovation in Health, the workshops of the Office for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty that will give you new tools for different areas connected to innovation. Sónia Teixeira explains it all to you.
Have you ever thought about starting a good relationship with Science and your research? Remember the 7th edition of Research Day, an event organised by the GAPIC and the AEFML.
Because teams are also made of beginnings and new cycles, the News@fmul team also starts the year with a breath of fresh air, with new members and those who have always been part of it, with the desire to come closer to everybody and to be more plural and free, with the spirit of a new beginning with each month that starts and ends.
Next month we will be back with a journey through the memory of the old Aula Magna and we will show you what has changed. We are also talking about the blood campaign from Biobanco that will be held on February 7 at the João Cid dos Santos Amphitheater. Please help.
These and other news coming soon!
We can only wish everyone a happy new year, full of challenges, new stages, obstacles and changes. Because only that will be a good beginning for you!
Joana Sousa
Equipa Editorial