Listening to FMUL
"Researching" the Research Day ....
This 3rd edition of the Research Day was attended by 69 participants, most from FMUL (98.5%), particularly students from the 2nd (17.9%), 3rd (28, 4%) and 4th years (20.9%) of the M.Sc. in Medicine. (Characterization of participants)
A questionnaire, which 50.7% of the participants completed, was circulated to obtain the participants’ opinions on the Research Day. The overwhelmingly majority of the respondents (97.1%) were students. Most participants learned of the Research Day through the e-mails circulated (94.3%), and the main motivation for participating in the event was interest in scientific research (60.0%). However, about half of the students had never participated in a research project (37.1%) or rarely participate (14.3%), while the other half participated occasionally (22.9%), or often (25.9%).
Overall, participants were satisfied with the syllabus of the Research Day; however it should be highlighted that some events, namely he visits to research units (60.0% very satisfied) and the session about research opportunities for students organised by FMLSU (53.6 very satisfied) registered a very high level of satisfaction.
Participants demonstrated equal satisfaction with the organisation and logistics. Most notably there was positive feedback to coffee breaks (54.3% very satisfied), the secretariat (48.6% very satisfied), audiovisual media and the comfort of spaces (42.9% very satisfied).
Visits to research facilities and the availability of researchers were also registered as strong points (39.2%).
The balance of this Research Day can be said to be very positive, because the overwhelming majority of participants expressed the opinion that they felt the Research Day should continue to be promoted in FMUL (97.1%). As one student commented in the questionnaire "A very helpful initiative! To be continued!"