European Heart Failure Day

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Heart failure is a serious and chronic disease, which occurs when the heart is unable to pump the blood to the body in the necessary amount, relax and receive the blood again in a normal way.

It is a disease that affects about 400 thousand people in Portugal, a number that tends to rise. It is estimated that the number of people with the disease will increase by 50% to 70% by 2030. 64 million people suffer from heart failure worldwide.

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon has some of the best medical specialists in the treatment of heart failure. A number of actions have been taken to raise awareness of these matters, either through prevention, through distance monitoring and telemonitoring, or with Cardiovascular Rehabilitation itself.

Know more about this illness.

And meet part of the team that takes care of the Heart every day: Dulce Brito; Ana Abreu; Manuela Fiúza; Daniel Caldeira; Luis Rosário; under the coordination of Fausto J. Pinto.