Matilde Valente Rosa

  • Lecturer
  • Invited Assistant
Biographical note

Graduated in Applied Mathematics and Computing from the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2011).
Master in Statistics from the University of Bristol (2012) and Postgraduate in Systems Dynamics from universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2011, 2016).
Consultant of the Directorate-General for Health, in the Directorate of Information and Analysis Services (2012 - 2014, 2017), where she developed a vast work of database management and information analysis and was the author of more than twenty-five publications of this public organization.
Since 2015, she is a Invited Assistant at Lisbon School of Medicine, in the subjects of: Introduction to Biostatistics, Introduction to Statistical Models in Epidemiology, Multifactorial Analysis in Epidemiology and Workshop of Introduction to the Statistical Platform R.
Author of more than fifteen works presented in renowned national and international congresses, having also been a presenter in some of these.
Since 2010, she has had significant experience in the social sector, by the Non-Governmental Organization for Development WACT – We Are Changing Together. It is to be distinguished hers Vice-Presidency on the Board of Directors of the organization (2013 - 2017) and the coordination in multiple projects of social integration both in S.Tomé and Príncipe and in Portugal, in the social neighborhood Padre Cruz.
Her main current role is the Founder and Partner of the Social Data Lab company, which is dedicated to The Production and Statistical Analysis of Information, using Business Intelligence/Data Analytics and Machine Learning as decision support tools.