The PhD Students Meeting Committee is thrilled to announce that the XVII CAML PhD Students Meeting will take place on May 14th to 17th 2024! We are preparing a very special event for all the community under the motto “Looking forward (in)to the future”, which aims to bridge the present and the future of the scientific and clinical research. The registrations for the meeting are now open and you can register here until April 5th.
The first day of the meeting (May 14th) will be entirely dedicated to optional workshops, while the remaining days will be full of interesting activities and talks, both from PhD students and keynote speakers (to be announced soon!).
In this edition of the meeting, we will bring together experts and researchers from relevant scientific topics, at the same time that we engage in stimulating and up-to-date scientific discussions in Out of Our Box areas, and its implications for the future of biomedical investigation.
PhD students should submit their abstracts for the XVII CAML PhD Students Meeting until April 5th, using the template and guidelines made available by the Organizing Committee (for more information please contact imm-phdstudentsmeeting@medicina.ulisboa.pt).
Closer to the date of the event, the Committee will give students detailed information relative to the time and format of each presentation.
Save these dates on your calendar and stay tuned for more information about the program!
Hope to see you all there!