"Together for Fernando"

" Together for Fernando is an initiative of Portuguese scientists and university professors who feel a deep admiration for Fernando and consider him an inspiring model. We intend to preserve the memory of a man who gave so much of himself for the good of the university system and the portuguese scientific community in general. We will organize a conference every year on his birthday, which will address themes of science, scientific policy and medical education, which will be rotated through the various institutes in the country where Fernando left his contribution. Particular emphasis is given to the participation of young scientists, with the best submitted papers awarded with a prize for travel.

The first edition will be in Lisbon, at the Great Auditorium of the Lisbon School of Medicine, on 24th January of 2020, between 10am and 5pm. Guest speakers include Menno Witter, Teresa Paiva and Pedro Guedes de Oliveira. "

Professor Carmo Fonseca

Note: The participation of young scientists will be particularly prominent in this conference, with the best papers selected for oral presentation and awarded with a prize for travel. Submit your abstract (maximum 350 words) to the email imm-juntospelofernando@medicina.ulisboa.pt by 10th January of 2020.

This is a joint organization of the Lisbon School of Medicine and the Institute of Molecular Medicine, sponsored by BIAL.

Picture of Prof. Fernando Lopes da Silva

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