On 18 May, Lifestyle Sapo published an article on a rather topical issue: Obesity!
According to the General Directorate for Health, this is «probably the most serious public health issue».
This article cross-checks data from the World Health Organization and data from «Retrato da Saúde em Portugal (Health Portrait in Portugal)» (National Health Service) for the year 2018. There are about 2 billion people suffering from obesity worldwide and 2.8 million people die from diseases associated with overweight or obesity.
In 2018, the number of people suffering from obesity in Portugal corresponded to 60% of the Portuguese population, that is 5.9 million people. According to «Retrato da Saúde em Portugal» 8 out of 10 senior citizens are overweight.
In 2016, about 340 million children and teenagers between the ages of 5 and 19 worldwide were overweight.
This article involved the participation of several personalities, among which Professor Joana Sousa, from the FMUL's Nutrition Laboratory.