The Health Minister visits the Hospital Santa Maria and inaugurates innovative equipment
Fausto J. Pinto, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Carlos Neves Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the North Lisbon University Hospital Complex, have welcomed the health Minister, Marta Temido, to inaugurate three imaging equipments which are the first in the Iberian Peninsula. A three-million-euro-investment which resulted in the acquisition of a digital tomosynthesis mammography device, which is going to double the number of mammographies we can perform at Santa Maria”, and of two angiography devices that would "allow the improvement of our response in the treatment of strokes", explains Carlos Neves Martins.
This reaction of both hosts allowed the strengthening of the "true spirit of the Academic and Medical Centre", as well as the "strengthening of the Academic and Medical Centres as vital instruments to a modern Academic Medicine, at the same level of what is practised in the most advanced societies. For the sake of the Portuguese Academic Medicine", in the words of Fausto J. Pinto.
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