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"Faculdade de Ajudar" in the Green Book on Social Responsibility and Higher Education Institutions
The Green Book is the result of a work of co-creation of about 150 representatives of 30 Higher Education Institutions, the ORSIES - Observatory for Social Responsibilities and Institutions project. This project is a joint initiative of Fórum Estudante and the Secretariat of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education.
The purpose of this Book is to build a shared vision of the concept of social responsibility in the context of higher education institutions and its final version was under public consultation until May 20.
"Faculdade de Ajudar", FMUL's social responsibility project, participated in the development of this Green Book, as the members of its team represented the School in all the meetings and stages for which they were invited
The topics under discussion, which eventually became the titles of the book's chapters, were the following:
- Socially responsible campus;
- Personal and professional training of the students and relationship with alumni;
- Socially responsible management of the production and dissemination of knowledge;
- Social participation in the community;
- Key factors of success in the development of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions.