Launch of SynergGIES by the GIE - FMUL with an eye on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office (GIE) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon launched SynerGIEs at the end of January – a news cycle on the new accomplishments in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship, at the national and international level, in the health sector and in other sectors relevant and interesting for the FMUL.
The GIE aims at engaging the entire community of the FMUL in these areas and, therefore, it believes that having access to these contents is extremely important for motivation and engagement. Innovation, that is, the creation of valuable insights for people is essential in any area and since the academy is a hub of knowledge and valuable people, we believe that this news space will be enriching for everyone. The name itself, SynerGIEs, reinforces that idea, because we reckon that innovation and entrepreneurship is only achievable with the cooperation and energy of all those involved.
SynerGIEs will be a space dedicated to news that will be published every two months. Apart from news, it will also provide two consultation sessions for those who are interested in acquiring a better knowledge: the CALLS, with tenders and financing in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship and the AGENDA, a space for promoting conferences, training courses and workshops related to those themes.
The GIE encourages everyone who has news in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship and wishes to publish them, to send the information to our e-mail:
All the SynerGIEs published until now can be consulted
All the SynerGIEs published until now can be consulted here.