Keep In Mind
Opening of competitions in the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology)
Between 26 January and 21 February, the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) announced the opening of the following competitions:
• Until 28-02-2017 Bolsas UNESCO/PhosAgro/IUPAC - Investigação em Química Verde
(UNESCO/PhosAgro/IUPAC Scholarships - Research in Green Chemistry)
• Until 28-02-2017 EDCTP - Chamada para peritos em investigação sobre implementação e ética biomédica (extended deadline)
(EDCTP - Call for experts on biomedical ethics implementation and research)
• Until 12-04-2017 Concurso para Projetos de Investigação Exploratória - Programa Carnegie Mellon Portugal - 2017
(Exploratory Research Projects Competition - Portugal Carnegie Mellon Programme – 2017)
• Until 12-04-2017 Concurso de Apoio à Formação de Redes Internacionais entre centros de investigação do Governo Chileno- 2017
(Competition to Support the Setting up of International Networks between research centres of the Chilean Government- 2017)
• Until 27-04-2017 CYTED - Convocatória para apresentação de Redes Temáticas
(CYTED - Call for the submission of Thematic Networks)
• Until 05-05-2017 ERA-MIN Concurso Conjunto 2017 para projetos colaborativos transnacionais (submission of pre-proposals)
(ERA-MIN 2017 Joint Contest for transnational collaborative projects)
• Until 11-05-2017 CYTED - Convocatória para Fóruns empresa/universidade
(CYTED - Call for company/university fora)
The following events have also been announced:
• 24-02-2017 13º PubhD UMinho - áreas: Biologia Molecular e Psicologia (Guimarães, 24 fevereiro 2017)
(13rd PubhD UMinho - areas: Molecular Biology and Psychology (Guimarães, 24 February 2017)
• 24-02-2017 Dia Internacional das Mulheres e das Raparigas na Ciência (UBI - 24 de Fevereiro 2017)
(International Day of Women and Girls in Science, UBI, 24 February 2017)
• 01-03-2017 Carreiras e Tecnologias na Física de Partículas - Dia da Carreira - LIP (Lisboa, 1 de março, IST)
(Careers and Technologies in Particle Physics - Career Day - LIP, Lisbon, 1 March, IST)
02-03-2017 Carreiras e Tecnologias na Física de Partículas - Dia da Tecnologia - CERN (Lisboa, 2 de março, FCUL)
(Careers and Technologies in Particle Physics - Technology Day – CERN, Lisbon, 2 March, FCUL)
Additional contests, announcements and events here