Professor Mamede de Carvalho, Director of the Institute of Physiology of FMUL, receives the Forbes Norris Award
The International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations along with the Forbes Norris MDA/ALS Research & Treatment Center annually sponsors the Forbes Norris Award.
This Award aims to distinguish a neurologist dedicated to the treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from a perspective of a long career of clinical dedication and of scientific impact.
This year the Award was given to Professor Mamede de Carvalho, in recognition for his commitment to the study of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, neurophysiology and respiratory compromise. He has collaborated with researchers from other countries, such as Brazil and South America, and published more than 250 scientific articles in journals of international impact.
"Since 1994, in each of these Congresses, which I have never missed, I have become used to seeing this Award being presented to illustrious neurologists, usually at a very advanced stage of their respective careers, while dedicated to clinical work and research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. When, this year, I was honoured with such a distinguished prize, I felt happy for seeing my effort recognised, but I was also aware that other eminent neurologists from different countries deserved it as much as me or more. Being Portugal a small country, and even smaller in what regards infrequent diseases, where social awareness of this disease is not intense, I believe that this award is worthy so that our Patient Association has more support and there is greater understanding of our patients, so that their care can improve." Professor Mamede de Carvalho testified to our newsletter.
Raquel Moreira
Editorial Team