More And Better
First Solidarity Fair at the Faculty of Medicine
The Social Responsibility Group of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon – FACULTY TO HELP - on December 15 and 16 organized an event aimed at Institutions acting in the area of volunteering in health - SOLIDARY CHRISTMAS FAIR.
The idea was to create an exhibition area where the participants could:
- Disseminate their activity to the Academic Community of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon and its partners;
- Attract members and/or volunteers;
- Sell merchandising;
- Give short talks to present the activity.
At the same time, several talks took place in the multipurpose room of the AEFML, informing about the meaning of volunteering and the associations that participated in this initiative.
The following associations were present: Amigas do Peito, Associação Crianças Santa Maria (Maria Raposa), Raríssimas, Voluntários do CHLN, Ajuda de Mãe, Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental, Fundação AFID Diferença, Associação Promotora do Emprego de Deficientes Visuais.
On the first day the FMUL welcomed the Choir of the Ministry of Education, which sang a few songs, creating a very Christmas-like atmosphere.
Raquel Moreira
Editorial Team