Keep In Mind
Third Edition of the Education and Medical Education Day
The Third Edition of the Education and Medical Education Day is scheduled to take place on 23 November 2016. It is intended to be an occasion for discussion and reflection on Medical Education in Portugal but also on issues in the field of Education not exclusive to medical education. We will have two thematic panels addressing the topics Promoting change in Medical Schools and Innovation in Medical Education, and a conference led by an international speaker dedicated to student-centred learning.
In the session "Research in Education", work done in this area by lecturers and/or students will be presented, and they may submit their abstracts until 20 October, in accordance with the Regulations.
In the Third Education and Medical Education Day, we will award the new annual prize established by the Pedagogic Council. The Professor J. Gomes Pedro Prize intends to distinguish the lecturer or group of lecturers who stood out in the previous school year for their contribution to the improvement of medical education in the FMUL. Applications will be accepted until 30 October, so for additional information please check the Regulations.
Participate and contribute to Medical Education at our School!