Editorial Note
Renewal is part of the life cycle. Thus, in the various projects that we propose daily, we also succeed in having this renewal.
The Institutional Newsletter of the Faculty of Medicine is renewed. After the renewed Portal, the Faculty today launches its new news@fmul published on a monthly basis for its public, a Wordpress management system.
The news that we present in this October edition show us precisely this new beginning. Two Full Professors of this school gave their Last Lessons and the message they left lingering was one of a new beginning. Professor Luis Mendes Graça, Director of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology University Clinic and Professor Daniel Sampaio, Director of the Psychiatry and Medical Psychology University Clinic, filled two emblematic rooms of the Faculty when they gave their "Last Lesson". The Newsletter highlights these two events.
Renewing also means progress and modernization, so the Newsletter reports that the Multidisciplinary Advanced Simulation Centre will be created in FMUL in 2017. It will be an international reference centre for improving the skills of students, professionals and health teams. It was with great pleasure that the Board of the FMUL gave us this news.
The FMUL continues to establish partnership protocols and signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine of the University of Algarve.
In October there was also the start of the Master Degree in Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine, the first at national level resulting from the collaboration between the FMUL and the Naval School.
Several initiatives lie ahead for our students, such as the Junior Doctors International Meeting, to be held from 11 to 13 November, the Third Edition of the Education and Medical Education Day on the 23rd, and finally the 2nd Annual Meeting of Doctoral Students of the Mind-Brain College of the University of Lisbon, on 28 and 29 of that month.
Ana Raquel
Editorial Team
The Institutional Newsletter of the Faculty of Medicine is renewed. After the renewed Portal, the Faculty today launches its new news@fmul published on a monthly basis for its public, a Wordpress management system.
The news that we present in this October edition show us precisely this new beginning. Two Full Professors of this school gave their Last Lessons and the message they left lingering was one of a new beginning. Professor Luis Mendes Graça, Director of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology University Clinic and Professor Daniel Sampaio, Director of the Psychiatry and Medical Psychology University Clinic, filled two emblematic rooms of the Faculty when they gave their "Last Lesson". The Newsletter highlights these two events.
Renewing also means progress and modernization, so the Newsletter reports that the Multidisciplinary Advanced Simulation Centre will be created in FMUL in 2017. It will be an international reference centre for improving the skills of students, professionals and health teams. It was with great pleasure that the Board of the FMUL gave us this news.
The FMUL continues to establish partnership protocols and signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine of the University of Algarve.
In October there was also the start of the Master Degree in Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine, the first at national level resulting from the collaboration between the FMUL and the Naval School.
Several initiatives lie ahead for our students, such as the Junior Doctors International Meeting, to be held from 11 to 13 November, the Third Edition of the Education and Medical Education Day on the 23rd, and finally the 2nd Annual Meeting of Doctoral Students of the Mind-Brain College of the University of Lisbon, on 28 and 29 of that month.
Ana Raquel
Editorial Team