In Memoriam
Professor João Lobo Antunes, Full Professor Emeritus of FMUL, died on 27 October 2016.
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and all the Portuguese Academy became poorer with the disappearance of one of the greatest figures ever of contemporary medicine. He possessed a strong personality, which influenced the destiny of everything and everyone wherever he went, particularly his Faculty and his Hospital. No one will therefore be indifferent to his disappearance. Over the years, he has been the source of inspiration for many of those who crossed paths with him and keep the best memories of him.
His institutional life was very relevant. He carried out with brilliance and dedication various institutional functions, including at the Faculty of Medicine, as President of the Pedagogical Council (1988-1995), President of the Scientific Council (1996-2004) and as President of the Assembly of Representatives/Assembly of the Faculty/School Council (2005-2013). He was a committed and exemplary Professor in all the renewal movements of his Faculty of Medicine, in which he participated with great interest, motivation and commitment. His name will always be associated with the Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), which he helped to set up and to which he presided from the onset until his retirement. He was also one of the drivers behind the creation of the University of Lisbon (UL), resulting from the merger of the Classical University with the Technical University of Lisbon.
His academic and pedagogical work will continue and I am sure that the future of neurosurgery in the institution will be a tribute to his memory and his modern vision, open to new challenges of the time.
To his family and his staff, the Faculty of Medicine presents its most heartfelt condolences, reiterating the deep admiration and respect for the colleague, who was a Great Personality, Scientist and illustrious Scholar.
The Master who has now left us leaves us the nostalgia and his example of dedication and commitment, which greatly contributed to the modernization and progress of the Faculty of Medicine, who he has always served in an exemplary manner. For all that we are indebted to him.
Thank you, therefore, my dear Professor João Lobo Antunes for everything you did for your Home, for being a role model and for the way you lived your life, and for being an example to all of us. Until forever.
Fausto J Pinto
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and all the Portuguese Academy became poorer with the disappearance of one of the greatest figures ever of contemporary medicine. He possessed a strong personality, which influenced the destiny of everything and everyone wherever he went, particularly his Faculty and his Hospital. No one will therefore be indifferent to his disappearance. Over the years, he has been the source of inspiration for many of those who crossed paths with him and keep the best memories of him.
His institutional life was very relevant. He carried out with brilliance and dedication various institutional functions, including at the Faculty of Medicine, as President of the Pedagogical Council (1988-1995), President of the Scientific Council (1996-2004) and as President of the Assembly of Representatives/Assembly of the Faculty/School Council (2005-2013). He was a committed and exemplary Professor in all the renewal movements of his Faculty of Medicine, in which he participated with great interest, motivation and commitment. His name will always be associated with the Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), which he helped to set up and to which he presided from the onset until his retirement. He was also one of the drivers behind the creation of the University of Lisbon (UL), resulting from the merger of the Classical University with the Technical University of Lisbon.
His academic and pedagogical work will continue and I am sure that the future of neurosurgery in the institution will be a tribute to his memory and his modern vision, open to new challenges of the time.
To his family and his staff, the Faculty of Medicine presents its most heartfelt condolences, reiterating the deep admiration and respect for the colleague, who was a Great Personality, Scientist and illustrious Scholar.
The Master who has now left us leaves us the nostalgia and his example of dedication and commitment, which greatly contributed to the modernization and progress of the Faculty of Medicine, who he has always served in an exemplary manner. For all that we are indebted to him.
Thank you, therefore, my dear Professor João Lobo Antunes for everything you did for your Home, for being a role model and for the way you lived your life, and for being an example to all of us. Until forever.
Fausto J Pinto