Research and Advanced Education
Academic Examinations at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon
Health Communication (2nd edition)
Libânio Filipe Valente Ferreira Pinto
Literacia e comunicação em saúde. Eficácia das estratégias de comunicação em saúde: Doenças respiratórias crónicas. (Literacy and health communication. Effectiveness of health communication strategies: chronic respiratory diseases.)
Sleep Sciences (5th edition)
Maria da Silva Lima Serra Brandão
Estudo da Sonolência e da fadiga em tripulantes de cabine de uma companhia aérea Portuguesa. (Study of sleepiness and fatigue in the cabin crew of a Portuguese airline.)
Palliative Care (6th edition)
Gonçalo da Silva Fernandez
Impacto da radioterapia na qualidade de vida dos doentes com mestastização cerebral. (Impact of radiotherapy in the quality of life of patients with brain metastases.)
Branch: Biomedical Sciences
Specialty: Neuroscience
António Artur Paz Ferreira Pinto Duarte
New insights into how the dysfunction of astrocytes or inhibitory circuits can lead to abnormal brain functions (New insights into how the dysfunction of astrocytes or inhibitory circuits can lead to abnormal brain functions)
Health Communication (2nd edition)
Libânio Filipe Valente Ferreira Pinto
Literacia e comunicação em saúde. Eficácia das estratégias de comunicação em saúde: Doenças respiratórias crónicas. (Literacy and health communication. Effectiveness of health communication strategies: chronic respiratory diseases.)
Sleep Sciences (5th edition)
Maria da Silva Lima Serra Brandão
Estudo da Sonolência e da fadiga em tripulantes de cabine de uma companhia aérea Portuguesa. (Study of sleepiness and fatigue in the cabin crew of a Portuguese airline.)
Palliative Care (6th edition)
Gonçalo da Silva Fernandez
Impacto da radioterapia na qualidade de vida dos doentes com mestastização cerebral. (Impact of radiotherapy in the quality of life of patients with brain metastases.)
Branch: Biomedical Sciences
Specialty: Neuroscience
António Artur Paz Ferreira Pinto Duarte
New insights into how the dysfunction of astrocytes or inhibitory circuits can lead to abnormal brain functions (New insights into how the dysfunction of astrocytes or inhibitory circuits can lead to abnormal brain functions)