Research and Advanced Education
Continuing Education Courses Faculty of Medicine UL - Not Leading to the Award of a Degree
The Institute for Advanced Training (IFA) of the Faculty of Medicine organizes several continuing education vocational courses every year. These courses are aimed at a diverse audience and organized according to the “Bologna Process”, conferring ECTS whose number depends on the length of the course. Courses lead to the award of a diploma upon successful completion.
These courses can be classified into two major groups:
- Postgraduate Courses for Improvement Purposes
These courses aim to deepen knowledge or promote the acquisition of new skills in their respective areas, have a theoretical and practical component and are of a professional or technological nature.
- Postgraduate Courses for Updating Purposes
Their objective is to offer continuing education and enable students to learn new skills and gain knowledge in specific areas. The courses have a theoretical and practical component and are of a professional or technological nature.
The list of courses organized by IFA is listed below:
Postgraduate Courses for Improvement Purposes
- Practical Aspects of Clinical Research
The course intends to provide participants with a practical and critical experience that confers them autonomy to plan and conduct fundamental aspects of successful clinical study.
Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of important aspects of designing and conducting studies, particularly exercise decision-making and practice practical aspects of clinical research.
Target audience: Graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in decision-making or in research in clinical areas or public health.
- Hands-On Echocardiography
This course will enable participants to gain knowledge on the following: a) fundamentals of echocardiography and of cardiac Doppler; b) optimization of images; c) transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography performance techniques; d) learning how to read and interpret tests and corresponding clinical integration, focusing on the following areas: hemodynamic evaluation of intensive care and anaesthesiology patients, ventricular function, pericardial pathology, identification of stenotic and regurgitant valvular patterns; e) ability to make reports.
Target audience: anaesthesiologists, intensivists, internists, cardiologists and doctors with other specialities.
- Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Basic and Advanced)
This course offers an understanding of theories, procedures, research, and current clinical applications of hypnosis, as well as teaching practical skills of clinical applications.
Target audience: Pre and post Bologna graduates (medicine, nutrition, dental medicine, nursing, psychology, special education and rehabilitation, psycho-pedagogy) and other health fields.
2, 5 ECTS
- Introduction To Statistical Models in Epidemiology
The course Introduction to Statistical Models in Epidemiology covers the key concepts for the understanding and critique of multivariate data analysis and statistical modelling, such as the concepts of Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis, Multi-factor Analysis, Classification (Clusters), Principal Components Analysis, and Factor Analysis. The use of vocabulary to communicate with statistics will always be present in the course.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences or other health professionals who wish to plan, debate, conduct, or develop critical ability in the statistical analysis of clinical and epidemiological research data.
- Introduction to Surgery
This course offers an introduction to surgical practice through a specifically planned workshop; self-learning of surgery basic technical skills. The teaching is intensive and done on an individual basis in an experimental operating room supported and guided by tutors. It includes video demonstration of each teaching practical stage and repetition in models and simulators. Tutors offer guidance and conduct assessment.
Target audience: physicians, particularly holders of surgical specialities.
- Introduction to Biostatistics
The course demonstrates and applies key concepts for critically understanding data analysis – probability distribution, hypothesis and statistical testing, confidence intervals, descriptive data analysis and hypotheses testing with one or two groups.
The course is for those who do not have a background in statistics and are starting statistical analysis in clinical research and aims to “teach how to do it by doing it”. Its strong practical component includes the use of statistical software, performing data analyses, interpreting statistical reports, and the critical analysis of original studies.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences, mathematical sciences or other health professionals who wish to plan, debate, conduct or develop critical ability in the statistical analysis of clinical and epidemiological research data. .
- Project-Area: A Practical Approach to Epidemiological Research
The Project-Area offers postgraduate training that fosters the development of skills and competencies in clinical and epidemiological research for the execution of research projects.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences, mathematical sciences or other health professionals interested in acquiring clinical research skills.
- Mourning in the Health Sciences
This course aims to offer understanding of the explanatory theories of mourning, confer competencies in evaluating the grieving process and qualify individuals when working with individuals and family and community groups in the process of mourning.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, psychology, nursing, social work, and other health professionals wishing to gain practical skills of clinical applications to the mourning process in health sciences.
- Laparoscopic Suturing
This course helps students to improve the laparoscopic suturing technique in Pelvitrainer using synthetic models.
Target audience: interns of the Internship speciality and specialists in gynaecology and obstetrics
Postgraduate Courses for Updating Purposes
- Multifactorial Analysis in Epidemiology
Objectives: to teach basic knowledge of SPSS and the different techniques of multifactorial data commonly used in epidemiology.
Target audience: holders of degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, health, diagnosis and therapy senior technicians, and other health professionals involved or who wish to be involved in data analysis, research activities or decisions in clinical fields or public health.
- Sleep Sciences
This course offers knowledge about the practices of registering and quantitative evaluating the various stages of sleep and understanding of the main sleep pathologies and corresponding diagnosis procedures and therapeutic solutions. It covers notions of genetics, semiotics and pathologies in sleep disorders and identifies their impact on individuals and society.
Target audience: holders of degrees in medicine, psychology, biology, nursing, biomedical engineering, human kinetics, neurophysiology, cardiopneumology and others.
- Constructing, Validating, Using and Interpreting Questionnaires
Questionnaires are measuring devices most commonly used in research and their proper construction is a determining factor for the quality of studies.
This course is structured so as to enable choosing, constructing, validating, using, and interpreting “good questionnaires”. Students should be able to understand the theoretical bases of measuring in health and how to choose a questionnaire that is suitable for the purposes of research.
Target audience: this course is intended for holders of degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology and clinical epidemiology.
- Palliative Care
This course enables students to know the basic principles of palliative care, reflect on the role of health professionals who care for this type of patient, include the different needs to patients and their families, and adjust therapeutic objectives to the needs of terminally ill patients.
Target audience: health professionals who care for such patients, namely in the areas of internal medicine, medical oncology, surgery, infectious diseases, psychiatry, anaesthesiology, neurosurgery, neurology, radiotherapy, general and family medicine, among others.
- End of Life Ethical Decisions
This courses promotes the analysis of ethical problems posed by patients at the end of their lives and in various contexts (intensive care, palliative care). It includes demonstration and analysis of cases (stories and video recordings).
Target audience: doctors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers.
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
This courses enables students to acquire and deepen their knowledge and develop skills about this biological phenomenon of the microbial world.
Target audience: holders of degrees in medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, nursing, and other health professionals.
- Hands-On Echocardiography
This course will enable participants to gain knowledge and training in the field of echocardiography, particularly in the context of anaesthesiology and intensive care, including the acquisition of basic plans of transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, image optimization, review the main pathologies of critically ill patients in intensive care and in an anaesthetics perspective. The course will examine the main clinical pictures of unstable patients and show how to monitor them.
Target audience: anaesthesiologists, intensivists, internists, cardiologists and doctors with other specialities.
1 ECTS - Echocardiography by the Bedside
Echocardiography has become a non-invasive complementary means of diagnosis of heart diseases essential for the current practice of clinical cardiology. Together with ECG, it is used on a daily basis by all professionals involved in health care given to patients who need their anatomy and heart function examined. The course intends to foster the updating of knowledge related to clinical decision-making in cardiology.
Target audience; cardiologists and doctors from other areas (ER, anaesthetics, intensive medicine, internal medicine, neurology, family medicine, others) and interns of medical and surgical specialities, cardiopneumologists, nurses.
- Clinical Trials
The course aims to enable students to increase their knowledge about experimental health research, particularly the several stages of clinical trials – delineating the study, procedures, intervention monitoring, evaluation of results, and conclusions. Normative, ethical, legal, and economic aspects will be also examined.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences and other health professionals interested in decision-making or research in clinical areas or public health.
- Epidemiology and Economic Evaluation in Health
The course examines the fundamentals of economic evaluation; critically reading of scientific papers on health economic evaluation; becoming aware of the characteristics of a cost-benefit study; becoming aware of the characteristics of a cost-effective study; identifying the needs for collecting and assessing epidemiological data for health economic evaluation studies.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, economics, management and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology, and clinical epidemiology.
- Introduction to Epidemiological Research
Clinical and epidemiological research is essential for advancing knowledge, clinical practice and for assessing the health status of patients and populations. It should be based on critical exercise, rigour and excellence underpinned by a strong theoretical and conceptual foundation, and lead to the acquisition of skills for conducting successful research. This course intends to introduce the practice of clinical and epidemiological research across several aspects ranging from the construction of a research question to regulatory and ethical issues, including also aspects related to the management of research projects and programmes. It ends by focusing on aspects regarding writing for scientific journals and the social and scientific communication of scientific results.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology, and clinical epidemiology.
- Clinical Research in Psychiatry
This course offers updated advanced information aimed at professionals who wish to advance their knowledge of clinical research and of new concepts in the fields of clinical methodology, psychopathology, translational research, and clinical trials.
Target audience: graduates in medicine, psychology, biochemistry and other professionals interested on these topics.
- Research in Psychiatry
The course is provides a theoretical basis for basic researchers and physicians from various areas on the role of reactive species in normal physiological and biochemical processes and in exceptional situations, and on the origin and aggravation of pathological processes. To this end, the first module will focus on providing updated information on chemical concepts and biology of reactive species in biological systems. The research methodologies that allow detecting reactive species or detecting their effects on biological systems will be discussed in module two. Module three will focus on the organisation of a broad picture of what is currently known and discussed about the role of reactive species and the damages connected to the origin and worsening of the so-called degenerative diseases. The course enables professionals who intend to start or deepen their research knowledge to become updated and familiar with the clinical use of new concepts in the field of reactive species biology. It is intended that, by completing the course, students will grasp the concepts studied. The course offers professionals of clinical therapy and basic researchers a basis for understanding and using new concepts in reactive species biology.
Target audience: psychiatry, psychology, biochemistry professionals and others interested on these topics.
- Evidence-based Medicine – Principles and Practice
It describes the basic concepts of EBM and its importance. It focuses on the practical application of EBM and provides information that supports clinical practice.
Target audience: family doctors.
- Qualitative Methods in Epidemiology
Quantitative and qualitative approaches are additional processes of scientific discovery which, through different routes, foster more integrated understanding of several phenomena, namely in the field of epidemiology. This course aims to encourage the acquisition of skills that are necessary for critically assessing scientific articles with a qualitative approach and for carefully selecting and carrying out qualitative methods and techniques depending on the epidemiological research question.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in understanding and include qualitative methodologies in their epidemiological studies.
- Mourning
This course aims to offer health professionals the opportunity to explore, from a cognitive and experiential perspective, the feelings and meaning of life, death, and the process of dying so that they can include their private affections in therapeutic skills and in their everyday work with patients and their families. The course encourages reflection on the process of developing individual feelings associated with loss and the process of dying, and enables professionals to recognize the needs of families of patients with progressive or incurable diseases.
Students will acquire skills and practice of intervention therapeutic techniques on the emotional impact of advanced diseases in individuals or groups.
Target audience: doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other professionals interested on the topic of mourning or working with people undergoing a grieving process.
- Sampling Techniques in Epidemiology
The Institute of Preventive Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon organizes this course due to the need felt by health professional and others interested in conducting epidemiological studies or clinical epidemiology to strengthen their skills in epidemiological research. Basically, this course aims to improve skills for identifying the best sample models, delineating and collecting samples for epidemiological studies and clinical epidemiology.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology and clinical epidemiology.
- Special Topics in Epidemiology
Epidemiology aims to understand the determinants and factors associated with health status and disease. It develops models and paradigms of representation and approach. It systematizes decision-making processes and works with new models of data analysis and information systems in a productive and integrated manner. This course addresses specific aspects of epidemiology and how it relates to other forms of knowledge through theoretical systematization, involving renowned researchers in those areas.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in furthering their knowledge about the connection between epidemiology and clinical research and other subjects, and also about specific aspects of epidemiology.
- Treatment Centred on Overweight Persons
The main aims of the course are to enable students to: develop intervention based on an efficient and effective therapeutic alliance; train health professionals working with obesity to use a non-prescriptive form of intervention, namely by learning motivational interview relational techniques; enable health professionals working with obesity to recognize psychiatric co-morbidity; ensure the presence of a common minimum technical framework in the areas of nutrition and physical exercise so there is consistency of objectives and uniformity of strategies on the part of the various professional workers involved in the clinical process; conceptualize therapeutic failure as an opportunity to re-evaluate clinical intervention as an indication of potential dysfunction in the therapeutic alliance.
Target audience: health professionals involved in the treatment of obesity or related pathologies, including doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, dieticians, physical exercise physiologists and other professionals interested on the topics studied.
- Tuberculosis and HIV Infection
The main objective of this course is to help health professionals update their knowledge of various aspect of HIV infection, tuberculosis and how they interconnect.
Target audience: graduates in medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, nursing, and other health professionals.
1, 5 ECTS - Hospital Emergencies
The course covers the following: definition of hospital emergency; outlining of basic aspects of the organization of a hospital emergency service; distinction between emergency and routine; directing the initial approach and screening patients with acute illness or with a life-threatening condition; stabilizing critically ill patients and promote primary and secondary care (emergency assistance arrangements in hospitals); resuscitating and how to conduct a definitive approach to patients in an emergency situation taking into account clinical needs, capacities and available resources; demonstrating limitations in urgent situations; knowing how to deal with the irreversibility of the clinical situation (extreme situation/death of the patient in an emergency room); demonstrating ability to work as a team.
Target audience: recent graduates in medicine
- Introduction to the ‘R’ Statistical Platform
‘R’ is a language and an environment for statistical analysis and computation. This software allows free access to documentation, online support, tutorials, and practical examples, and has become increasingly used by researchers. The course offers an introduction to the ‘R’ statistical platform and encourages the practice of simple exercises for the management and analysis of data, enabling participants to gain essential experience and autonomy in basic statistical analysis and in their self-learning.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in the data analysis of clinical studies.
- Osteoporosis
This course offers health professionals interested in osteoporosis recent knowledge regarding the definition and understanding of the disease with regard to its risks and helps them identify individuals at higher risk. It particularly enables clinicians from various fields of medicine to prepare diagnosis and therapy strategies using the various types of currently available drugs appropriate for the treatment of osteoporosis and related complications.
Target audience: graduates in the area of health with an interest in the analysis of osteoporosis, including doctors, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and psychologists.
Dora Ramos
Continuing Education
These courses can be classified into two major groups:
- Postgraduate Courses for Improvement Purposes
These courses aim to deepen knowledge or promote the acquisition of new skills in their respective areas, have a theoretical and practical component and are of a professional or technological nature.
- Postgraduate Courses for Updating Purposes
Their objective is to offer continuing education and enable students to learn new skills and gain knowledge in specific areas. The courses have a theoretical and practical component and are of a professional or technological nature.
The list of courses organized by IFA is listed below:
Postgraduate Courses for Improvement Purposes
- Practical Aspects of Clinical Research
The course intends to provide participants with a practical and critical experience that confers them autonomy to plan and conduct fundamental aspects of successful clinical study.
Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of important aspects of designing and conducting studies, particularly exercise decision-making and practice practical aspects of clinical research.
Target audience: Graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in decision-making or in research in clinical areas or public health.
- Hands-On Echocardiography
This course will enable participants to gain knowledge on the following: a) fundamentals of echocardiography and of cardiac Doppler; b) optimization of images; c) transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography performance techniques; d) learning how to read and interpret tests and corresponding clinical integration, focusing on the following areas: hemodynamic evaluation of intensive care and anaesthesiology patients, ventricular function, pericardial pathology, identification of stenotic and regurgitant valvular patterns; e) ability to make reports.
Target audience: anaesthesiologists, intensivists, internists, cardiologists and doctors with other specialities.
- Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Basic and Advanced)
This course offers an understanding of theories, procedures, research, and current clinical applications of hypnosis, as well as teaching practical skills of clinical applications.
Target audience: Pre and post Bologna graduates (medicine, nutrition, dental medicine, nursing, psychology, special education and rehabilitation, psycho-pedagogy) and other health fields.
2, 5 ECTS
- Introduction To Statistical Models in Epidemiology
The course Introduction to Statistical Models in Epidemiology covers the key concepts for the understanding and critique of multivariate data analysis and statistical modelling, such as the concepts of Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis, Multi-factor Analysis, Classification (Clusters), Principal Components Analysis, and Factor Analysis. The use of vocabulary to communicate with statistics will always be present in the course.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences or other health professionals who wish to plan, debate, conduct, or develop critical ability in the statistical analysis of clinical and epidemiological research data.
- Introduction to Surgery
This course offers an introduction to surgical practice through a specifically planned workshop; self-learning of surgery basic technical skills. The teaching is intensive and done on an individual basis in an experimental operating room supported and guided by tutors. It includes video demonstration of each teaching practical stage and repetition in models and simulators. Tutors offer guidance and conduct assessment.
Target audience: physicians, particularly holders of surgical specialities.
- Introduction to Biostatistics
The course demonstrates and applies key concepts for critically understanding data analysis – probability distribution, hypothesis and statistical testing, confidence intervals, descriptive data analysis and hypotheses testing with one or two groups.
The course is for those who do not have a background in statistics and are starting statistical analysis in clinical research and aims to “teach how to do it by doing it”. Its strong practical component includes the use of statistical software, performing data analyses, interpreting statistical reports, and the critical analysis of original studies.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences, mathematical sciences or other health professionals who wish to plan, debate, conduct or develop critical ability in the statistical analysis of clinical and epidemiological research data. .
- Project-Area: A Practical Approach to Epidemiological Research
The Project-Area offers postgraduate training that fosters the development of skills and competencies in clinical and epidemiological research for the execution of research projects.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences, mathematical sciences or other health professionals interested in acquiring clinical research skills.
- Mourning in the Health Sciences
This course aims to offer understanding of the explanatory theories of mourning, confer competencies in evaluating the grieving process and qualify individuals when working with individuals and family and community groups in the process of mourning.
Target audience: this course is intended for graduates or holders of a master degree in medicine, psychology, nursing, social work, and other health professionals wishing to gain practical skills of clinical applications to the mourning process in health sciences.
- Laparoscopic Suturing
This course helps students to improve the laparoscopic suturing technique in Pelvitrainer using synthetic models.
Target audience: interns of the Internship speciality and specialists in gynaecology and obstetrics
Postgraduate Courses for Updating Purposes
- Multifactorial Analysis in Epidemiology
Objectives: to teach basic knowledge of SPSS and the different techniques of multifactorial data commonly used in epidemiology.
Target audience: holders of degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, health, diagnosis and therapy senior technicians, and other health professionals involved or who wish to be involved in data analysis, research activities or decisions in clinical fields or public health.
- Sleep Sciences
This course offers knowledge about the practices of registering and quantitative evaluating the various stages of sleep and understanding of the main sleep pathologies and corresponding diagnosis procedures and therapeutic solutions. It covers notions of genetics, semiotics and pathologies in sleep disorders and identifies their impact on individuals and society.
Target audience: holders of degrees in medicine, psychology, biology, nursing, biomedical engineering, human kinetics, neurophysiology, cardiopneumology and others.
- Constructing, Validating, Using and Interpreting Questionnaires
Questionnaires are measuring devices most commonly used in research and their proper construction is a determining factor for the quality of studies.
This course is structured so as to enable choosing, constructing, validating, using, and interpreting “good questionnaires”. Students should be able to understand the theoretical bases of measuring in health and how to choose a questionnaire that is suitable for the purposes of research.
Target audience: this course is intended for holders of degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology and clinical epidemiology.
- Palliative Care
This course enables students to know the basic principles of palliative care, reflect on the role of health professionals who care for this type of patient, include the different needs to patients and their families, and adjust therapeutic objectives to the needs of terminally ill patients.
Target audience: health professionals who care for such patients, namely in the areas of internal medicine, medical oncology, surgery, infectious diseases, psychiatry, anaesthesiology, neurosurgery, neurology, radiotherapy, general and family medicine, among others.
- End of Life Ethical Decisions
This courses promotes the analysis of ethical problems posed by patients at the end of their lives and in various contexts (intensive care, palliative care). It includes demonstration and analysis of cases (stories and video recordings).
Target audience: doctors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers.
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
This courses enables students to acquire and deepen their knowledge and develop skills about this biological phenomenon of the microbial world.
Target audience: holders of degrees in medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, nursing, and other health professionals.
- Hands-On Echocardiography
This course will enable participants to gain knowledge and training in the field of echocardiography, particularly in the context of anaesthesiology and intensive care, including the acquisition of basic plans of transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, image optimization, review the main pathologies of critically ill patients in intensive care and in an anaesthetics perspective. The course will examine the main clinical pictures of unstable patients and show how to monitor them.
Target audience: anaesthesiologists, intensivists, internists, cardiologists and doctors with other specialities.
1 ECTS - Echocardiography by the Bedside
Echocardiography has become a non-invasive complementary means of diagnosis of heart diseases essential for the current practice of clinical cardiology. Together with ECG, it is used on a daily basis by all professionals involved in health care given to patients who need their anatomy and heart function examined. The course intends to foster the updating of knowledge related to clinical decision-making in cardiology.
Target audience; cardiologists and doctors from other areas (ER, anaesthetics, intensive medicine, internal medicine, neurology, family medicine, others) and interns of medical and surgical specialities, cardiopneumologists, nurses.
- Clinical Trials
The course aims to enable students to increase their knowledge about experimental health research, particularly the several stages of clinical trials – delineating the study, procedures, intervention monitoring, evaluation of results, and conclusions. Normative, ethical, legal, and economic aspects will be also examined.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences and other health professionals interested in decision-making or research in clinical areas or public health.
- Epidemiology and Economic Evaluation in Health
The course examines the fundamentals of economic evaluation; critically reading of scientific papers on health economic evaluation; becoming aware of the characteristics of a cost-benefit study; becoming aware of the characteristics of a cost-effective study; identifying the needs for collecting and assessing epidemiological data for health economic evaluation studies.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, economics, management and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology, and clinical epidemiology.
- Introduction to Epidemiological Research
Clinical and epidemiological research is essential for advancing knowledge, clinical practice and for assessing the health status of patients and populations. It should be based on critical exercise, rigour and excellence underpinned by a strong theoretical and conceptual foundation, and lead to the acquisition of skills for conducting successful research. This course intends to introduce the practice of clinical and epidemiological research across several aspects ranging from the construction of a research question to regulatory and ethical issues, including also aspects related to the management of research projects and programmes. It ends by focusing on aspects regarding writing for scientific journals and the social and scientific communication of scientific results.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology, and clinical epidemiology.
- Clinical Research in Psychiatry
This course offers updated advanced information aimed at professionals who wish to advance their knowledge of clinical research and of new concepts in the fields of clinical methodology, psychopathology, translational research, and clinical trials.
Target audience: graduates in medicine, psychology, biochemistry and other professionals interested on these topics.
- Research in Psychiatry
The course is provides a theoretical basis for basic researchers and physicians from various areas on the role of reactive species in normal physiological and biochemical processes and in exceptional situations, and on the origin and aggravation of pathological processes. To this end, the first module will focus on providing updated information on chemical concepts and biology of reactive species in biological systems. The research methodologies that allow detecting reactive species or detecting their effects on biological systems will be discussed in module two. Module three will focus on the organisation of a broad picture of what is currently known and discussed about the role of reactive species and the damages connected to the origin and worsening of the so-called degenerative diseases. The course enables professionals who intend to start or deepen their research knowledge to become updated and familiar with the clinical use of new concepts in the field of reactive species biology. It is intended that, by completing the course, students will grasp the concepts studied. The course offers professionals of clinical therapy and basic researchers a basis for understanding and using new concepts in reactive species biology.
Target audience: psychiatry, psychology, biochemistry professionals and others interested on these topics.
- Evidence-based Medicine – Principles and Practice
It describes the basic concepts of EBM and its importance. It focuses on the practical application of EBM and provides information that supports clinical practice.
Target audience: family doctors.
- Qualitative Methods in Epidemiology
Quantitative and qualitative approaches are additional processes of scientific discovery which, through different routes, foster more integrated understanding of several phenomena, namely in the field of epidemiology. This course aims to encourage the acquisition of skills that are necessary for critically assessing scientific articles with a qualitative approach and for carefully selecting and carrying out qualitative methods and techniques depending on the epidemiological research question.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in understanding and include qualitative methodologies in their epidemiological studies.
- Mourning
This course aims to offer health professionals the opportunity to explore, from a cognitive and experiential perspective, the feelings and meaning of life, death, and the process of dying so that they can include their private affections in therapeutic skills and in their everyday work with patients and their families. The course encourages reflection on the process of developing individual feelings associated with loss and the process of dying, and enables professionals to recognize the needs of families of patients with progressive or incurable diseases.
Students will acquire skills and practice of intervention therapeutic techniques on the emotional impact of advanced diseases in individuals or groups.
Target audience: doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other professionals interested on the topic of mourning or working with people undergoing a grieving process.
- Sampling Techniques in Epidemiology
The Institute of Preventive Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon organizes this course due to the need felt by health professional and others interested in conducting epidemiological studies or clinical epidemiology to strengthen their skills in epidemiological research. Basically, this course aims to improve skills for identifying the best sample models, delineating and collecting samples for epidemiological studies and clinical epidemiology.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in conducting research in public health, epidemiology and clinical epidemiology.
- Special Topics in Epidemiology
Epidemiology aims to understand the determinants and factors associated with health status and disease. It develops models and paradigms of representation and approach. It systematizes decision-making processes and works with new models of data analysis and information systems in a productive and integrated manner. This course addresses specific aspects of epidemiology and how it relates to other forms of knowledge through theoretical systematization, involving renowned researchers in those areas.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social sciences and humanities, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in furthering their knowledge about the connection between epidemiology and clinical research and other subjects, and also about specific aspects of epidemiology.
- Treatment Centred on Overweight Persons
The main aims of the course are to enable students to: develop intervention based on an efficient and effective therapeutic alliance; train health professionals working with obesity to use a non-prescriptive form of intervention, namely by learning motivational interview relational techniques; enable health professionals working with obesity to recognize psychiatric co-morbidity; ensure the presence of a common minimum technical framework in the areas of nutrition and physical exercise so there is consistency of objectives and uniformity of strategies on the part of the various professional workers involved in the clinical process; conceptualize therapeutic failure as an opportunity to re-evaluate clinical intervention as an indication of potential dysfunction in the therapeutic alliance.
Target audience: health professionals involved in the treatment of obesity or related pathologies, including doctors, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, dieticians, physical exercise physiologists and other professionals interested on the topics studied.
- Tuberculosis and HIV Infection
The main objective of this course is to help health professionals update their knowledge of various aspect of HIV infection, tuberculosis and how they interconnect.
Target audience: graduates in medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, nursing, and other health professionals.
1, 5 ECTS - Hospital Emergencies
The course covers the following: definition of hospital emergency; outlining of basic aspects of the organization of a hospital emergency service; distinction between emergency and routine; directing the initial approach and screening patients with acute illness or with a life-threatening condition; stabilizing critically ill patients and promote primary and secondary care (emergency assistance arrangements in hospitals); resuscitating and how to conduct a definitive approach to patients in an emergency situation taking into account clinical needs, capacities and available resources; demonstrating limitations in urgent situations; knowing how to deal with the irreversibility of the clinical situation (extreme situation/death of the patient in an emergency room); demonstrating ability to work as a team.
Target audience: recent graduates in medicine
- Introduction to the ‘R’ Statistical Platform
‘R’ is a language and an environment for statistical analysis and computation. This software allows free access to documentation, online support, tutorials, and practical examples, and has become increasingly used by researchers. The course offers an introduction to the ‘R’ statistical platform and encourages the practice of simple exercises for the management and analysis of data, enabling participants to gain essential experience and autonomy in basic statistical analysis and in their self-learning.
Target audience: graduates or holders of master degrees in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, social sciences, mathematical sciences, and other health professionals interested in the data analysis of clinical studies.
- Osteoporosis
This course offers health professionals interested in osteoporosis recent knowledge regarding the definition and understanding of the disease with regard to its risks and helps them identify individuals at higher risk. It particularly enables clinicians from various fields of medicine to prepare diagnosis and therapy strategies using the various types of currently available drugs appropriate for the treatment of osteoporosis and related complications.
Target audience: graduates in the area of health with an interest in the analysis of osteoporosis, including doctors, nurses, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and psychologists.
Dora Ramos
Continuing Education