Study Grants for Merit from the University of Lisbon 2009/2010
Within the scope of the Regulation on Awarding Study Grants for Merit to Students from Higher Education Institutions, published in the Portuguese Republican Journal, 2nd Series, nº 111, of the 9th of June, through Dispatch nº 13531/2009, five study grants for merit were awarded by this institution.
This regulation applies to students enrolled in a course at the University of Lisbon, and the students contemplated will:
- Have achieved approval in all the curricular units that are a part of the curricular year in which they were enrolled during the year the grant is awarded;
- Have an average final mark for the subjects in which they were enrolled in the previous point of no less than 16 on 20.
After applying the selection criteria, the following criteria should be considered, in order of priority:
- The average of the marks achieved in the academic year prior to the awarding of the grant;
- The average achieved in the academic year before the year stated in the previous clause.
The study grant for merit has an annual value equal to five times the value of the amount of the minimum guaranteed monthly retribution in place during the year in which it is granted. The grant is paid to the students by the University of Lisbon in a single instalment.
The following students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon were chosen:
Germano Pereira Nascimento – 19 on 20
Daniel Fernando Barreto Madeira - 19 on 20
Sandra Pinto Alves – 18.83 on 20
Mário Rui Neves Rodrigues – 18.80 on 20
Rodrigo Costa Nunes de Sousa – 18.67 on 20
More Information:
Ana Silva
This regulation applies to students enrolled in a course at the University of Lisbon, and the students contemplated will:
- Have achieved approval in all the curricular units that are a part of the curricular year in which they were enrolled during the year the grant is awarded;
- Have an average final mark for the subjects in which they were enrolled in the previous point of no less than 16 on 20.
After applying the selection criteria, the following criteria should be considered, in order of priority:
- The average of the marks achieved in the academic year prior to the awarding of the grant;
- The average achieved in the academic year before the year stated in the previous clause.
The study grant for merit has an annual value equal to five times the value of the amount of the minimum guaranteed monthly retribution in place during the year in which it is granted. The grant is paid to the students by the University of Lisbon in a single instalment.
The following students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon were chosen:
Germano Pereira Nascimento – 19 on 20
Daniel Fernando Barreto Madeira - 19 on 20
Sandra Pinto Alves – 18.83 on 20
Mário Rui Neves Rodrigues – 18.80 on 20
Rodrigo Costa Nunes de Sousa – 18.67 on 20
More Information:
Ana Silva