Science is lighting is the motto for the usual annual GAPIC (Office for the Support of Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation) competitions, whose objective is to awaken and stimulate the interest of FMUL students and young CAML physicians regarding research.
25th “Education through Science” Programme | CHULN/FMUL Scholarships Research Projects for Students
This programme provides students of the Integrated Master Degree in Medicine, the Degree in Nutrition Sciences and other undergraduate courses in which the FMUL is involved, the opportunity to directly participate in the design and execution of laboratory or clinical research projects in one of the CAML units (FMUL/iMM/HSM), as part of a research team and monitored by a tutor.
Applications open from the 1st to the 30th of September 2021 | +INFO
David Ferreira GAPIC award (6th edition)
The David Ferreira GAPIC Award rewards the best Final Papers/Theses of the FMUL IMDM, thus stimulating the practice of scientific research by undergraduate students. Students with IMDM Final Papers/Theses approved in the 2020/2021 academic year may apply.
Applications open until 30 September 2021 |+INFO
Research Grants for Young Doctors
18th AstraZeneca Foundation/FMUL Research Grants
3rd João Lobo Antunes Grant to Support a Research Project
These research grants are intended to fund projects in the health field, supporting young doctors (graduated less than 5 years before the application date), promoting their interest in research and encouraging the greater involvement of doctors in future research activities .
Applications open from the 1st to the 30th of September 2021 | +INFO
GAPIC, just a click away:\gapic |