Morgue | The Faraway Place

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The elevators in the Morgue access the hospital, but only employees with a code can get down to this floor, where even the stairs end with the reservation of a door. Only those who work there enter, and the care is precisely that, "What would happen if people, by mistake, ended up here?" asks António Nunes, an employee of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte since the 1980s. Fifteen years later, he was called and told that he would be the next coordinator of the hospital morgue. "I questioned why me? So it was. "It didn't bother me. I was already used to dealing with death."

When they get a call from the hospital that there is a body to be picked up, one of the two staff members goes up the elevator and makes his way. The procedure dictates that the shortest and quickest route be taken so that "we're not 'walking' around the hospital." It is preferable to avoid the stares of the users, because this thing of death is still not an easy subject. "When I say I work in the morgue people turn away and stare sideways. It's still a topic that makes a lot of confusion. Hugo Lemos, another employee who joins the conversation, nods and adds, "it's just the opposite of life," in an attempt to lighten the subject.

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