The Lisbon Academic Medical Center (Centro Académico de Medicina de Lisboa-CAML) is an innovative academic centre and a consortium of three institutions: Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte-CHULN, one of the main portuguese hospitals; Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa-FMUL, the largest national Medical Schooll; and Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes-iMM, a biomedical research institute of excellence.
CAML was launched with a vision of improving medical care through a dedicated and rigorous medical education and scientific research with impact from the bench to the bedside and back to the bench.
A strategy based on sharing facilities, human resources, know-how and funding has been pivotal for the international recognition of CAML and positively impacted its four flagship projects: Clinical Research Center, CAML Biobank, CAML PhD program and CAML Ethics Committee.
Learn more about CAML here