Environmental Health Institute
The Environmental Health Institute (ISAMB) is a Structural Unit of Medicine School of Medicine, as well as an FCT Research Unit, which is dedicated to the study of the environment in its various aspects.
General Objectives
- To be internationally recognized as a research and development institution of excellence with relevant experience in the field of environmental health;
- To become a relevant and competitive environmental health research center in the country;
- To ensure that the most relevant areas and the complexity of environmental health issues are considered in the research done at the Unit;
- To build and maintain a network of contacts and partners with key stakeholders and to foster relationships with complementary national and international research groups;
- To optimize FMUL's resources in terms of education and training and to increase the population of national and international students in environmental health at FMUL;
- To support the decision-making process in environmental health, in the public, private and service sectors, at local, regional and national levels, particularly in relation to the major health threats and beneficial influences of the environment;
- To ensure that ISAMB competes successfully for research funds and ensures long-term financial sustainability.
Postgraduate Education
EnviHealth&Co PhD Programme