Cancer patients infected with COVID-19 produce antibodies against the virus
médicos no hospital Santa Maria
From left to right: Pedro Gaspar, Marc Veldhoen, Catarina Mota and Miguel Martins. Gerardo Santos Global Images


Cancer patients infected with COVID-19 are able to produce antibodies against the new virus. The conclusion comes from a study carried out by Santa Maria Hospital and the Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM). It involved 72 cancer patients hospitalized in ward 2-A.

This study, which has already been published in The Oncologist journal, involved internists from Santa Maria Hospital, Catarina Mota, Miguel Esperança Martins, Pedro Gaspar and the researcher from the Molecular Medicine Institute (iMM) Marc Veldhoen.

The objective was to obtain results that could support the clinical decisions of oncologists, something also achieved through the partnership with science, which is only possible because “the institution is part of the Lisbon Academic Medical Centre, which encourages clinical training and research". Catarina Mota also reported that “when we started seeing these patients, treating them and following them up, we felt that there was something to do in closer collaboration with scientific research, as we know that the relationship between clinical practice and science will allow us, in the future, to provide better health care”.

This is a real reflection of what a real campus is and one that sees some of its former students following the path of translation between clinical practice and science.

Read the full story here.