Mariana Alves Pereira

  • Lecturer
  • Invited Assistant
Biographical note

She completed her Master's degree in Neurosciences in 2016 from Lisbon School of Medicine and a Degree in Neurophysiology in 2013 from the Escola Superior de Saúde - Instituto Politécnico do Porto. She currently attends the Integrated Master's degree in Medicine and a PhD from the NeurULisboa doctoral program at FMUL.


She is currently a researcher (FCT scholarship student) at the Institute of Molecular Medicine at the Unit of Clinical and Translational Physiology, Invited Assistant of Physiology at FMUL.
Invited Assistant Professor of electromyography - Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias - IP Castelo Branco (01 to 07/2017)
Superior Neurophysiology Technique - Vila franca de Xira Hospital (From 11/2014 to 03/2019) and CUF Torres Vedras (06/2014 to 10/2017)
Image design - Project "Neuroanatomy: from clinic to video" (Nova Medical School)
Researcher – JPND-ONWebDUALS Project: ONTology-based Web Database for Understanding Amyotrophic Lateral Slcerosis
Researcher-scholarship – NEUROCLINOMICS2 Project Discovery of prognostic markers in neurodegenerative diseases through the integration of clinical and genomic data.


Research Area

Interpretation of biological signal, with particular experience in Neurophysiology, and in the study of recent techniques such as transcranial magnetic and electrical stimulation transcranial and transcutaneous medullary, and its neuromodulatory effect on neuromuscular diseases, namely in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in the Unit of Clinical and Translational Physiology.