18th Hospital of the Little Ones

The Hospital for the Little Ones was started by the European Medical Students' Association (EMSA), an organization made up of several Medical Student Associations in Europe, and has already had the participation of countries such as Sweden, Germany, Austria, Croatia and the United Kingdom.

The 18th Edition of the Hospital of the Little Ones will be held in two great moments:

  1. For marking schools, November 25-29, in the refectory I of the Social Welfare Services of the University of Lisbon ("UL's Old Canteen");

  2. A weekend dedicated to families at the Pavilion of Knowledge on November 30 and December 1, with free admission.

To participate children just need to bring a doll/toy with a "boo boo" and desire to play.

Glass of opportunities - supported by EIT Health, GIE and IRCabral
Instituto de Investigação Científica Bento da Rocha Cabral
Saúde e bem estar
Portuguese-Spanish Meeting for an Aging with Wellness in the City
Casa das Histórias Paula Rego | Cascais
Saúde e bem estar
Blood Donation
HSM | Piso 2
Saúde e bem estar
31st Christmas Party with Homeless People
Cantina Velha ULisboa
Saúde e bem estar