Today is World Voice Day

The celebration of this date aims to draw attention to the importance of voice and the necessary care to preserve it. According to the NHS, it is estimated that, in Portugal, there is one thousand new cases of Laryngeal Cancer every year, a treatable disease as long as it is diagnosed early.

menino junto de um microfone

Ten 10 daily care things you should do with your voice:

1. Hydrate yourself: Drink about 1.5L/2L of water a day and start hydrating at least 30 minutes before speaking.

2. Have a good posture: Adopt a face-to-face position when talking to someone or an audience. Avoid talking while your body and neck are turned and generating contraindicated muscle tensions.

3. Yawn: Yawn several times a day, including to warm up your voice. If the context allows it, yawn out loud!

4. Stretch: Stretch at least twice a day, especially the muscles of the neck, shoulders and pelvis. It is an important habit in combating incorrect postures.

5. Don't whisper: Always speak with sound even when your voice is tired, because whispering will only aggravate this state of vocal fatigue.

6. Train: Before using your voice, perform wide and vigorous chewing movements, as if chewing an excessively large apple. Make the mmmm sound while "chewing".

7. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothes that facilitate body and breathing movements, especially in the torso (belly and chest) and neck.

8. Avoid chemicals: Avoid the use of lozenges, candies and SOS sprays to prepare and prolong vocal use when there is malaise, hoarseness and pain. Its analgesic action will camouflage poor vocal use, aggravating the situation. These chemicals can, on the other hand, be useful in the vocal rest period.

9. Avoid coughing: If you feel the need to cough or clear your throat to "clean up" your voice, try to swallow your saliva or drink water. If these strategies do not work, cough as quietly as possible, avoiding the simultaneous production of voice and the aggression/ injury of the vocal folds.

10. Go to a specialist: About 49.9% of voice professionals in Portugal have some type of voice disorder. If you experience any of the complaints/symptoms mentioned on a recurring basis or other vocal alteration for more than 15 days, contact a Speech Therapist and/or a Otorhinolaryngologist.

Menina com megafone na mão

Warning signs:

- Constant burning sensation and dry throat;

- Tension and pain in the neck area, especially after vocal exposure;

- Decreased voice resistance throughout the day or workweek;

- Difficulty to speak;

- Breaks/fluctuations in voice quality;

- Hoarseness or periods of aphonia;

- Constant need to cough and clear the throat.

