Caixa Geral de Depósitos Card (CGD) and Banco Espírito Santo Card (BES)
Starting from this academic year the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMUL) student card is common to the whole University of Lisbon, and is sponsored by the Caixa Geral de Depósitos Bank. This card also functions as a student ID card for the FMUL and the University of Lisbon, and should always be carried by students. Hopefully in the near future it will have other applications associated to it, which will be announced soon. This card may or may not be a bank card, depending on the student’s options.
The BES Card is an access card in the Faculty to be used by students for free access to the services, and may or may not be a bank card, depending on the student’s options. This card is also the Faculty of Medicine Students’ Association card, and when presented allows all the associated advantages, such as: discounts in the bars, shops and activities organized by the Students’ Association.