Pedro Nascimento Alves investigates the relationship between strokes and spatial orientation
Pedro Nascimento Alves, 29, intern at the Neurology Service of the Santa Maria Hospital and PhD student at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, is the winner of the second edition of the prestigious João Lobo Antunes Prize from Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa.
What Pedro Nascimento Alves seeks to know is how a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is related to loss of spatial orientation and navigation abilities.
According to Diário de Notícias, the doctor stated that "(...)it is a question that has not yet been answered in scientific literature, namely what the percentage of stroke patients that have a spatial orientation and navigation dysfunction is, which zones or structures in the brain give rise to this dysfunction or what types of stroke may give rise to these symptoms".
We recommend reading the DN article in full, here.
Pedro Nascimento Alves
Image Credits: (Diário de Notícias | João Ferrão / Esfera das Ideias)