For Our Safety
Women and occupational health and safety
Being aware of and taking into account the differences between men and women in the world of work, from the right to a job with rights, to the material conditions in the performance of the most diverse functions, or to issues that relate to parenting, is a way of combating discrimination.
In the last decades, despite all the progress made in this area, especially in the access to parenting with rights, or in the improvement of the physical/material conditions for the performance of each employee's functions, the fact is that gender discrimination continues to exist and is a breach of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. There is still much to be done to improve the working conditions offered to women, taking into account their biological or other specificities.
In this month's article, we would like to share with you some information that is important for you to know, provided by the EU-OSHA (European Agency for Health and Safety at Work).
European Agency for Health and Safety at Work
It's the European Union's information agency for occupational health and safety matters. It contributes to the EU's 2014-2020 Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work and other relevant programs and strategies such as Europe 2020.
Women and occupational health and safety
Gender issues in health and safety at work - summary of an agency report
New emerging risks for health and safety at work
In another aspect, drawing attention to problems with gender equality in the workplace raised at the strictly political level, we also recommend that you read the Intervention of Fátima Messias, CGTP-IN National Council:
Working women, the right to work with rights and equality
The Commission for Health and Safety at Work at FMUL
In the last decades, despite all the progress made in this area, especially in the access to parenting with rights, or in the improvement of the physical/material conditions for the performance of each employee's functions, the fact is that gender discrimination continues to exist and is a breach of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. There is still much to be done to improve the working conditions offered to women, taking into account their biological or other specificities.
In this month's article, we would like to share with you some information that is important for you to know, provided by the EU-OSHA (European Agency for Health and Safety at Work).
European Agency for Health and Safety at Work
It's the European Union's information agency for occupational health and safety matters. It contributes to the EU's 2014-2020 Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work and other relevant programs and strategies such as Europe 2020.
Women and occupational health and safety
Gender issues in health and safety at work - summary of an agency report
New emerging risks for health and safety at work
In another aspect, drawing attention to problems with gender equality in the workplace raised at the strictly political level, we also recommend that you read the Intervention of Fátima Messias, CGTP-IN National Council:
Working women, the right to work with rights and equality
The Commission for Health and Safety at Work at FMUL