5th edition - Santa Casa Neuroscience Awards Every year, Santa Casa awards 400,000 euros for scientific and clinical research in two major areas of neuroscience: age-related neurodegenerative diseases and vertebro-medullary lesions.
The Melo eCastro Award, in the amount of € 200,000, aims at promoting and stimulating research within the multidisciplinary area of biosciences, in the field of traumatic and non-traumatic vertebro-medullary lesions, promoting the discovery of potential solutions that allow the recovery of impaired motor functions and, consequently, an improvement in the quality of life of the individuals affected by these injuries.
The Mantero Belard Award, also in the amount of € 200,000, aims at promoting and stimulating research within the multidisciplinary area of biosciences, in order to encourage strategic and significant contributions in the field of age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and the Alzheimer's, enabling new strategies in the treatment and reestablishment of neurological functions.