The Board of the FMUL was a challenge of high institutional responsibility that I embraced with a sense of duty and loyalty, with the support of Subdirectors, professors, researchers, non-teaching staff and students.
For the 2015-2018 triennium, the Board, following the main guidelines set by ULisboa, has defined as main strategic areas the ones regarded as the four pillars that support a modern and innovative School of Excellence: Medical Teaching and Education; Scientific Innovation and Research; Institutional Communication and External Relations; Organizational Modernization.
We have developed various activities in line with each of these strategic areas, and the most important ones are reflected in the 2015-2018 Report of the Board of the FMUL .
With everyone's enthusiasm and commitment, this triennium we continued to pursue our mission and successfully achieve our goals, contributing to the development of a School that is honouring the past while building the future!