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Institutional Affiliation: standardize to enhance the FMUL
The standardization of institutional affiliation is fundamental for the visibility of the output, evaluation and recognition of the scientific work conducted by the Faculty of Medicine of ULisboa.
At present, scientific output is an indicator that has an important impact at various levels, namely in terms of national and international rankings, and regarding the funds allocated to higher education institutions.
Therefore, according to the Director’s Dispatch no. 9-2017, all FMUL lecturers and researchers must guarantee the correct indication of their affiliation in accordance with the FMUL affiliation guidelines (which appears as a supplement to the Director´s Dispatch 9-2017).
These guidelines were prepared based on the Affiliation Rules of the Authors of the University of Lisbon, dated 22 December 2015, and on the Rector’s Dispatch no. 235/2016 of 7 January 2016.
A correct affiliation should always refer to the University of Lisbon, to the Faculty of Medicine, as well as to the lecturer’s/researcher’s corresponding Centre, Department, Laboratory, Institute and/or Unit.
By standardizing institutional affiliation we are enhancing FMUL!