Isamb collaborates in a project to assess the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of health professionals


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The Institute of Environmental Health (ISAMB) of the Lisbon School of medicine is currently collaborating with the National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) and with the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SPPSM) in a study that aims to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 disease on the mental health and well-being of health professionals, who are at the forefront of fighting Pandemic, and of the population in general.

The project “Mental Health in Times of Pandemic (SM-Covid-19)” aims to evaluate dimensions considered relevant in mental health, such as general well-being, self-perception of health status, stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, consumption and addictions, resilience, presentism, burnout and access to services.

With a view to achieving the objective - to issue recommendations that contribute to the improvement of health services' responses to people's mental health problems, data collection is done through an online questionnaire addressed not only to health professionals but also to general population. By June 17, the questionnaire had already been answered by 5300 professionals, according to the Atlas da Saúde site .