Ergonomics in teleworking


Did you know that ergonomics studies the relationship between man and his work? The objective is to develop a perfect integration between the working conditions, the worker's capacities, physical and psychological limitations and his efficiency. And the greater the comfort and safety, the greater its effectiveness must be

two dolls sitting at a desk


The concern with some factors of ergonomics for the development of projects for housing spaces appears gradually. The main focus of the design is to improve the functional, ergonomic and visual aspects of the products, to meet consumer needs, improving comfort, safety and user satisfaction.

Man lives and works in an environment that we could characterize by “physical measures”: thermal medium, sound medium, luminous medium and vibratory medium. Environmental conditions such as size, lighting, ventilation, noise and equipment directly interfere with users' habits.

The influence of physical factors can be harmful or beneficial for the development of daily activities, and the integrity of our organism depends on balance and respect for certain limits.

There are four factors to keep in mind when looking for a thermally comfortable working environment: air temperature, radiant heat, air humidity and air speed.

Good job Ergonomically Safe!