European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
On 29 June, Carlos Calhaz Jorge was elected Chairman of the European Society of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology, at the General Assembly.
The Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Director of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, as well as of the Centre for Medically Assisted Procreation at the Northern Lisbon Hospital Centre (CHULN), already held the position of Chair-Elect, now becoming Chair until 2023.
One of the fertility specialists and pioneers in Portugal, Calhaz Jorge has over 30 years of experience in this area alone, and over 45 years in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Typical of the Professor, we contacted him asking for a reaction to his appointment. His answer was not about himself, but about the Society.
“ESHRE, founded 37 years ago, has the mission of promoting knowledge in all aspects of medicine and reproductive biology. Initially a European-wide society, it now has members from all over the world. They are in total about 10,000, including physicians, clinical embryologists, a huge diversity of scientists in the basic areas (with great weight in genetics), ethicists, psychologists, and nursing professionals. The ESHRE also gives full support to the European association of patients with infertility, and is the only interlocutor recognized by the structures of the European Union for the field of reproductive medicine.
In practical terms, it is organized into thematic special interest groups (currently 14), each with its steering committee, and two working groups for the collection and analysis of European records of activities in Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP) and in Preimplantation Genetic Tests (PGT). The respective annual reports are published in one of the 4 society journals, all of them with an impact factor in the 1st quartile. Incidentally, the Human Reproduction Update, with an IF in 2020 of 15,610, is the leader in the ranking of both 83 publications in the area of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and 30 in the area of Reproductive Biology.
Before the pandemic, its last annual congress brought together over 12,000 participants, in what was systematically the world's largest event in the field.
It is headed by an executive committee of 15 members elected for two-year terms, and supported in all organizational aspects by a group of 14 members who work at its headquarters in Brussels”. Calhaz Jorge
We congratulate our Professor for yet another prestigious step that makes us all proud and keeps us at a strong level of rigor and professionalism.